Student Organization Advisor Development Welcome Advisors!
Introductions Name & Title Which organization do you advise; Why? How are you currently involved?
Involvement with Student Leaders Why do student organizations need advisors? Advising v. Supervising v. Mentoring Each Student Organization has different needs Ways to be involved: Attend E-board or 1-on-1 with e-board members Attend events/meetings Have an advisor report Be an advocate – elevator speech Encourage & support!
Setting Expectations Set them early Communication Have an open discussion Get to know one another; This is a partnership Decision making and work- Not your responsibility! Provide insight, give feedback, share opinions Constructive feedback, positive reinforcement Help to maintain continuity Help members think long term, set goals Help groups stray away from ‘this is the way things have always been done’ attitude
Exceptional Advisor Qualities Leadership Development Identify leaders within organization Assist with retreats Be a consultant Meet with individuals Serve as resource Financial/allocation guidance Interpretations of policies and regulations Personal assistance Referrals to campus resources Help students stay balanced
Determine Your Role As An Advisor In performing the role of advisor, I believe that an advisor should: Strongly Agree Agree No Opinion Disagree Strongly Disagree Comments Exhibit active listening skills and provide feedback accordingly Establish rapport with student executives Facilitate reflection activities to create meaningful experience Understand and use appropriate nonverbal communication Pursue multiple objectives in conversations with students Facilitate problem solving Facilitate individual decision making Facilitate group decision making Facilitate individual goal setting Facilitate group goal setting Serve as a reference point for students (campus resources) General Advising Roles Be an educator/trainer of leadership and organizational skills Be a developer of student volunteers Be an educator of program philosophy and program skills Be an attendee at events Be hands on with student programs Be a coordinator & advocate for a balanced student program Provide continuity between years Be a developer/planner of new programs Be held responsible for program failure Institutional/Organizational Goals
Student Organization Summit Each student organization is required to attend SOS at beginning of each semester Topics covered include: Leadership development Collaborations Student Government Allocation updates Policy changes Winter SOS: January 7 th 9pm UC Board Room
Things You May Not Know Movie Screening Rights must be purchased through Swank Catering services must be discussed with Chartwells before going to an outside catering group Includes Pizza T-shirt orders should be done through Club Colors (The Bookstore) Events can no longer be held in Sage Union New Student Organizations must be active for one semester before they are allocation eligible
Allocation Process Obtain the Official Allocation Form from the Student Government Clubs and Organizations page Completely fill out Allocation Form and send it in to by the due date Advisor required! Attend the Allocation Board Meeting and present allocation If Allocation passes, collect your post allocation packet
Post Allocation Packet Will include… Instructions to meet with Student Government e-board member prior to submitting paperwork Check Request Procedures Check Request Form Post Event Checklist Event Evaluation
Allocation Process (Continued) Go to the business office and turn in your check request form to receive your check or money transfer Hold your event Within two weeks after event, turn in receipts and event evaluation form Poor standing Unable to allocate if you do not get these items in
Important Changes from Previous Years All groups MUST have a Student Government Representative chosen to attend meetings (Article V, Section 3) If your Rep is going to be absent, an E-board member must take their place All receipts from approved allocations should be copied and turned into Student Government, the originals go to the Business Office This will help to determine if the deadline for receipts is missed by an organization Groups going to conferences must, upon return, give an oral presentation about what was learned at the conference and how it can benefit the entire Siena Community (Article X, Section 1, Subsection F, Part a)
Changes (Continued) For every school day that receipts and event evaluations are overdue, originally awarded amounts will be reduced by 5% (Article X, Section 3, Subsection A, Part 1) We require confirmation from your Advisor for all allocations Have advisor We will save the for our records, no signature required Please submit all documents electronically Download the updated versions of all documents related to Allocating Allocations are due at 5pm on the Thursday prior to the Allocation Meeting 72 hours in advance
Student Government Meeting Dates and Times General Assembly Meeting Tuesdays 9pm November 11 th Allocation Board Meeting Sundays 5pm November 16 th Winter Dates TBA
Questions? Concerns? Suggestions?
Spring Semester MLK Lunch Program – January 19 Black History Month – February Sibs & Kids Weekend – February 6-8 Women’s History Month - March Halo Fest – April Student Leadership Award Night – April 16 Torch Night – April 24