Energy mix in Germany in 2011 Renewable energies made up 20% of gross energy generation natural gas hard coal nuclear energy lignite renewable energies 20% others Wind energy Biomass energy Including energy from waste Water power photovoltaic total
Biomass cogeneration plant Neustrelitz (housing estate of Kiefernheide) (housing estate of Kiefernheide) In operation: since January 2006 Production/year: - electricity: MWh/a, - heat: MWh/a Resource base: wood chips from forest wood waste, tree and shrub cutting ( t/a) CO 2 conservation: t/a = CO 2 emission of cars
pellets combustion chamber conveyor belt cold water fire hot water autoclaves steam turbine generator district heating grid emission filter steam
Wind energy
- electricity from wind energy is clean and reduces the emission of greenhouse gases (per 1 kWh = avoidance of 860 gramm of CO 2 ) -wind power = the dominating field of generating energy among the renewable energies in Germany -In the end of 2011 : Germany = third largest capacity of the world with a capacity of 29,060 MW Wind farm in Lower Saxony Wind park landscape in Mecklenburg
Location of wind turbines in Germany, 2011 most located in the north But: most energy needed in the west and south where large industries are concentrated
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Development of wind energy since 1990
Types of wind farms Offshore Onshore
Energy from wind power in Germany until 2020 offshore onshore
content/uploads/2011/11/Karte_Windparks_Offshore_neu4_blau_Pantone jpg&imgrefurl= potentiale/&h=1514&w=3104&sz=249&tbnid=fYaCuFL_YBbM1M:&tbnh=58&tbnw=119&zoom=1&usg=__zISyaz6eO5PwVsVlyE0vjgsGfJE=&doci d=rMorCJukjKKRxM&sa=X&ei=48_xUOapHeyQ4gSnxIG4BA&ved=0CHAQ9QEwCA&dur=1980 Offshore wind farm projects at the coast of Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania
Baltic 1 Offshore Wind Farm -first commercial offshore wind farm of Germany in the Baltic Sea -located about 16 kilometres north of the Darss- Zingst Peninsula -covers about seven square kilometers MW wind farm. -work started in July 2010; officially commissioned on 2 May Baltic 2: 288 MW from 80 turbines
1. Foundation 2. Connection to electric grid 3. Tower 4. Access ladder 5. Wind orientation control 6. Nacelle 7. Generator 8. Anemometer 9. Brake 10. Gearbox 11. Rotor blade 12. Blade pitch control 13. Rotor hub What does a wind turbine look like?
-wind = a low cost, low maintenance energy production method -wind energy works by using natural wind movements, capturing it as kinetic energy through turbine blades, then converting the kinetic energy into electricity through an electro magnetic generator at the top of the turbine -electricity output depends on different aspects: 1. location (how much wind there is), 2. turbine size and style, 3. rotar diameter How does wind energy work
How much electricity can a turbine produce? 1 wind turbine generates energy for a small town (at a capacity of 5 MW it generates 17 millions kWh per year = consumption of households with people) - depends on the size and possible capacity of a wind turbine (example: wind turbine of a capacity of 2,5 MW 5 mill. kWh/year) - also depends on the wind speed need at least 3 to 4 m/s; wind speed over 25m/s turbines are switched off
Wind speedGenerated energy/day Electricity for households/day 2m/s 7m/s 12 m/s 20 m/s 25 m/s none kWh kWh kWh wind turbines are switched off none ?