WORKSHOP ON QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY ASSURANCE OF GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL INVENTORY SYSTEMS Poland QA/QC Procedures overview Jacek Skoskiewicz SEPTEMBER 2004, European Environment Agency, COPENHAGEN National Emission Centre at NEC: Krzysztof Olendrzynski (Head) Bogdan Debski Iwona Kargulewicz Jacek Skoskiewicz
QA/QC programme and plan: Stage of development – partially developed; Tier 1 Quality control: How are the requirements of the IPCC Tier 1 general inventory level QC procedures implemented? QA/QC procedures are implemented partially due to lack of resources. Time to conduct the checks and reviews is very short as the contracts for inventory are usually late. Access to information on activity data is restricted. Additional staff is needed but funds are limited. Which institutions are routinely conducting QC checks? Ministry of Environment; National Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management; Are electronic or automated checks used and if yes what type of checks? Electronic checks for: totals and subtotals; autoupdating charts for observing activity and emission trends SEPTEMBER 2004, European Environment Agency, COPENHAGEN
Quality control (cont): How are the requirements of the IPCC Tier 2 source category-specific QC procedures implemented (for emissions data, activity data and uncertainty estimates)? No Tier 2 How is the inventory agency dealing with QC checks for emission estimates prepared by external institutions (e.g. statistical offices) or data collected by external agencies, companies or consultants? QC checks for emission estimates prepared by external institutions (e.g. Central Statistical Office, IIASA, are taken into account for the improvement of the inventory. Data collected by external agencies, companies or consultants are thoroughly verified. How are QC checks for country-specific emission factors conducted? QC checks for country-specific emission factors are conducted by initiating and reviewing national studies SEPTEMBER 2004, European Environment Agency, COPENHAGEN
Quality assurance What review procedures are in place by personnel not directly involved in the inventory development/compilation process (e.g. expert peer review, audits)? External reviews are occasional and informal What are the results of QA procedures which are already implemented? Improvement of aviation bunker calculation Quality Manual Was a Quality manual elaborated? Which elements does it contain? Not elaborated yet Quality management systems What definitions and standards are used? Not elaborated yet Resources required Additional training / software welcome SEPTEMBER 2004, European Environment Agency, COPENHAGEN
National Inventory Systems Which organisations and institutions are involved? NEC responsible for performing emission inventories. Primary data source for inventories - Central Statistical Office and Energy Market Agency Expert judgements - branch organizations and experts (The Institute for Ecology of Industrialized Areas IETU, Industrial Chemistry Research Institute ICHP, independent experts) Which institutional arrangements and procedures were taken or are planned? Closer co-operation with Central Statistical Office and Energy Market Agency Has additional legislation been prepared or is considered? For which aspects of the national inventory system? Additional legislation to introduce national inventory system and national registers is considered by the Ministry of Environment (MoE) What type of electronic database systems and/or software systems are used for the inventory preparation? Excel / Word / Access How are expert judgements made and documented? Dedicated reports Which institutions are responsible for acquiring additional resources related to the establishment of the national inventory system? Ministry of Environment SEPTEMBER 2004, European Environment Agency, COPENHAGEN