Quantum Numbers Ryan Morrison & Ally Gray. Specify the properties of an atomic orbital.Specify the properties of an atomic orbital. An orbital is where.


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Presentation transcript:

Quantum Numbers Ryan Morrison & Ally Gray

Specify the properties of an atomic orbital.Specify the properties of an atomic orbital. An orbital is where an atom keeps its electrons.An orbital is where an atom keeps its electrons. Each element on the periodic table has a different set of Quantum Numbers, like their own address. The primary rule of quantum numbers is that no two elements can have the same set of numbers, this principle is also known as the Pauli Exclusion Principle. For example: NitrogenOxygen n=2 l=1 m=1 s=+½ n=2 l=1 m=(-1) s=(- ½) n=2 l=1 m=1 s=+½ n=2 l=1 m=(-1) s=(- ½) These two elements may have a very similar address but it is not the same. What are Quantum Numbers?  orbitals

n n represents the number of the orbital. Whatever row the element is in, is the number you place for ‘n’.  The principal quantum number (n) cannot be zero. The allowed values of n are therefore 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. This number tells us the energy level and shell that the electron is found in. The higher a value for n, means a higher amount of energy and the further away it is from the nucleus.

l l represents the subshell There are 4 different sub shells, they are 0, 1, 2 or 3 & are all represented by letters. s is the purple (considered as 0) p is the green (considered as 1) d is the yellow (considered as 2) f is the blue (considered as 3) This quantum number characterizes the electrons angular momentum and determines the shape of the orbit. If n = 1, the only possible value for quantum number l is 0 (s). If n = 2, the only possible values for quantum number l are 0 & 1 (s & p) If n = 3+, the possible values for quantum number l are 0,1,2,3, (s,p,d,f) Its possible values for an electron depend on the value of that electron's principal quantum numbers, ranging from 0 to n-1. Because of these different possibilities, shells (other than the first shell) include subshells. These are designated as s(where l=0), p (where l=1), d (where l=2), and f (where l=3)

m m represents magnetism. The m orbital corresponds with the l orbital (subshells). If the subshell was d, it would be equal to saying that m is: -2 ≤ m ≤ 2 or if the shell was p it would be The value of m indicates the orientation of the electron's orbit within the subshell. m can range from 0 to a positive or negative number depending on the subshell. For each column periodic table, the magnetism that would be your number for m is constant. If you find that your number is bigger than 3 or smaller than -3, you are incorrect because L only ranges from -3<m<-3. Example: if l = 2 then your m values will be: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,  repeated twice to fill the column.

s s represents spin. Moves in a circular/spherical shapeMoves in a circular/spherical shape Contains either a positive or negative charge.Contains either a positive or negative charge. A positive spin means the electrons spin clockwise. (+½)A positive spin means the electrons spin clockwise. (+½) A negative spin means the electron spins counter-clockwise. (- ½)A negative spin means the electron spins counter-clockwise. (- ½) The first half of each orbital is + ½ and the other half is – ½.The first half of each orbital is + ½ and the other half is – ½.

Examples. n = 4 l = 2 m = -2 s = +1/2

n = 3 l = 1 m = 0 s = +1/2

n = 4 l = 0 m = 0 s = +1/2