Training the Trainers – Dr. Sue LeBeau Jamie Kretsch Teaching Faculty to Teach Online
Introduction Teaching online and hybrid course offerings is not an intuitive process. Schools that specifically prepare their faculty to teach online have an advantage over schools that do not.
Goals Faculty Training format Student Learning needs Providing Effective feedback Dealing with Difficult students Using Effective Technology Best Practices
Course Development
Development Model 1 (1-2 week course)
Development Model 2 (6 week course)
Development Model 3 (2, 4 week courses) Course A
Development Model 3 Course B
General support and advice Institutional methods, procedures and policies Student grading and assessment Instructor participation and formative evaluation of instructors Faculty development Mentor selection and compensation Student issues and procedures
Expectations Know Your Role Manage and Understand Time Constraints Best Practices
FAQs Tools in Your LMS Strive to Improve Best Practices
Consistent Communication Instructor Management Consistent Pattern of Activities Best Practices
Have a Life! Have a Plan B Solid Technology at Your Disposal Best Practices
Adhere/Implement Institutional Guidelines/Policies Timely Feedback Best Practices
Think Before You Write! Institutional Communication Options Check Before You Launch Best Practices
Do Different Things Tech Support Manageable Class Size Best Practices
Best Practices & Online Resources Wiki: Blog:
Contact Information Dr. Sue LeBeau Prof. Jamie Kretsch