Habitats By Hayli
Habitats Where an animal or plant lives Where it gets food Where it gets water
Different Habitats Desert Woodland Ponds Streams
Desert Gets little rain Is extremely hot and dry or extremely cold Not many plants or animals
Light Very bright No shade
Moisture Very little rain Not many ponds or lakes
Temperature Very hot during the day Very cold at night
Plants Store water and use it later Cactus/Cacti Yucca Saguaro Cactus
Animals Get water from food Many are nocturnal Lizards Insects Birds Reptiles
Camels Humps have fat They can use it for energy Good at walking in sand Shelter in sandstorms
Sahara Desert World’s biggest desert 3 ½ million square miles
Cold Deserts Gobi Desert in Asia Antarctica
Woodland Lots of trees Plenty of water Variety of plants and animals
Light Lots of shade
Moisture Moist Often has ponds or streams
Temperature Varies, depending on where the woodland is
Plants Trees Shrubs Rich dirt because of fallen leaves
Animals Deer Insects Birds Wild cats Foxes Bears Snakes Rabbits
Pond Small freshwater habitat Things live in the water, on the water, and around the water
Light Lots of light Some shade around the edges Shade under the water
Moisture Very moist/wet, even in the dirt around a pond
Temperature Varies, like the temperature around the pond Water is cooler than the air
Plants Water plants Water lilies, bulrushes Animals use plants as shelter Insects use plants as food
Animals Frogs Birds Otters Insects Turtles Fish
Streams Freshwater that moves through an area Empties into a larger body of water Often have rocks
Light Usually bright, but bordered by shade
Moisture Moist/wet Running water
Temperature Temperature varies, depending on the area
Plants Trees and low plant lining the banks Ferns
Animals Beavers Frogs Fish Other pond animals
Let's see how much you know! Remember the pictures. Think about what we talked about. Think about what you learned.
Which of the habitats was the driest? Pond Desert Woodland Stream
Which habitat was the wettest? Stream Pond Desert Woodland
Which habitat has the most big animals living in it? Pond Stream Woodland Desert
Which habitat would be the hardest to find food in? Stream Woodland Pond Desert
Name two animals you can find in a pond and in a stream.
What would a bear at a stream eat?
Which habitat would be the hardest for a human to live in? Why?
Which habitat had you rather live in? Why?