Introduction to GIS
Your name Where you work Your professional field Have you used GIS before? What we expect to get from this training?
Course Times 9:00 AM to 11:45 PM (Morning Session) 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM (Lunch Break) 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Afternoon Session)
Course Schedule Morning Session Introduction to GIS Demo & Execerise: Navigate ArcMap Attribute and Location Queries Afternoon Session Navigate ArcCatalog Compose Maps Edit and Create Data
Topics: Background Local Input SED and forecast info Review, revise, and update planning data Challenges Lack of GIS capability to share info in standardized form Introduce SCAG GIS Pilot Program
Topics: Background SB 375 Combine land use decisions with transportation planning The most updated and current info SCAG GIS Pilot Program
Topics: Goals Promoting use of GIS technology by data sharing data updating Enhance region-wide GIS data standardization Establish solid relationship SCAG GIS Pilot Program
Topics: Implementation process The program began in the Mid of January, 2010 58 local jurisdictions participating One on One meeting to collect City GIS info SCAG GIS Pilot Program
Location, Location, Location Almost everything that happens, happens somewhere. Knowing where? and why? something happens & why do I care? is critically important! ‘Pin map’ So … what is mapping ?
Understanding Patterns Relationships Processes Conceptualizing Modeling Visualizing Geography is the Science of Our World Increasingly Being Seen as a Framework for... Integrating What We Know
Data - Data - Data We’ve all “got data” Location Data Location Data -- How Many -- What Kind -- Where Scale of Data Scale of Data -- Local to Global Data Presentation Data Presentation -- Words, Charts, Graphs, Tables, or Maps Exploring data using GIS turns data into information into knowledge
How is information normally ‘seen’? … non-spatially?
How do you “see” your data? Visualization Worth a Thousand Words
What is GIS? A method to visualize, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial data “Smart Maps” linking a database to a map
What is GIS? A geographic information or geographical information system (GIS) is a system for creating, storing, analyzing and managing spatial data and associated attributes. Data – Accuracy and availability. Hardware – Performance of GIS functions Software – GIS and other support software People – The most component in a GIS. The people who create and manipulate the system to produce products
Spatial location- usually geographic locationSpatial location- usually geographic location Information – visualization of analysis of dataInformation – visualization of analysis of data System – linking software, hardware, dataSystem – linking software, hardware, data Personnel – a thinking explorer with procedures using GIS to manipulate, analyze and present informationPersonnel – a thinking explorer with procedures using GIS to manipulate, analyze and present information GIS … a ‘spatial blend’ of location & information
GIS is a TOOL! Displaying and editing data Querying and analyzing data Charting and reporting data Creating layouts
A tool that you apply … Title bar Menu bar Standard toolbar Table of Contents Data Frame Layers Tools toolbar Layout toolbar Data/Layout View Context menu
Components of a GIS
Combining Data From Many Sources
Data For GIS Applications Business, Survey, & Demographic Purchased, donated, free (Internet) Created by user Databases -- Tables of data (such as address, permit, etc..) GPS -- Global Positioning System – Accurate locations Remote Sensing and Aerial Photography
Where is GIS used? Planning for government, education, & military Environmental – Monitoring & Modeling Public Safety – Fire, police & medical Homeland security (first responders are local cities!!) Business & Industry – Site Location, Delivery Systems & much, much more …
Concepts are most important Software can be learned more easily What remains constant: GIS is a powerful tool Mapping for Visualization Spatial Analysis What changes frequently Data formats User interfaces, inclusion of additional capabilities (e.g., 3D, spatial statistics)
GIS strengths More efficiently visualized updates Easy and effective display Good database management system for spatial information Able to integrate data from many different sources (but…)
GIS Weaknesses Cost and difficulty of database creation Higher accuracy, higher costs Integration of data from diverse sources can result in poor overall accuracy if not well managed
ArcGIS Desktop Licensing ArcGIS is comprised of three levels of Licensing: Arcview, ArcEditor, Arcinfo Tool availability is dependant upon licensing type Extensions have to be purchased at extra cost and do not come with the three basic licensing types
What is ArcGIS Desktop ? ArcGIS Desktop is an integrated suite of advanced GIS applications and interfaces, including ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcGlobe, ArcScene, ArcToolbox, and ModelBuilder. Using these applications and interfaces, you can perform any GIS task, from simple to advanced, including mapping; geographic analysis; data editing,compilation, and management; visualization; and geoprocessing. ArcGIS Desktop is scalable to meet the needs of many types of users. It is available at three functional levels: ArcView focuses on comprehensive data use, mapping, and analysis. ArcEditor adds advanced geographic editing and data creation. ArcInfo is a complete, professional GIS desktop product containing comprehensive GIS functionality, including rich geoprocessing capabilities.
ArcGIS Extensions
ArcGIS Components ArcMap is primary display application, and perform map-based tasks. ArcCatalog is a window to browse and manage your data ArcToolbox is a set of tools for geographic process functions.
What is Arcmap ArcMap is the central component in ArcGIS Desktop for all map-based tasks, including cartography, map analysis, and editing. ArcMap is a comprehensive map authoring application for ArcGIS Desktop. ArcMap offers two types of map views: a geographic data view and a page layout view. In geographic data view, you work with geographic layers to symbolize, analyze, and compile GIS datasets. A table of contents interface helps you organize and control the drawing properties of the GIS data layers in your data frame.
What is ArcCatalog ArcCatalog helps you organize and manage all your GIS information (maps, globes, datasets, models, metadata, services, and so on). It includes tools to: Browse and find geographic information. Record, view, and manage metadata. Define, export, and import geodatabase schemas and designs.
What is ArcToolbox ArcToolbox is embedded in ArcCatalog and ArcMap and is available in ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo. Each product level includes additional geoprocessing tools. ArcView supports a core set of simple data loading and translation tools as well as fundamental analysis tools; ArcEditor adds tools for geodatabase creation and loading; and ArcInfo provides a comprehensive set of geoprocessing tools for vector analysis, data conversion, data loading, and coverage geoprocessing. ArcView provides more than 80 tools in ArcToolbox, ArcEditor provides more than 90, and ArcInfo gives you approximately 250.
Introduction to GIS What is GIS? GIS Software Start Exercise
Introduction to GIS: ArcMap Data Frame (Map) properties Settings for how map is displayed Map units (feet, meters, miles, etc.) Reference scale Usually the scale that you will plot the map Coordinate system Automatically set to same coordinate system as first layer in table of contents. Bookmarks Create custom views of your map
Introduction to GIS: ArcMap Layer properties Settings for how layers are displayed Scale dependent display Controls which scale a layer is visible Data source Symbology Definition query A SQL Expression that controls which features are visible in a layer Labels
Introduction to GIS: ArcMap Data sources Data layers are not embedded in the ArcMap project. Data layers reference.shp files, geodatabase feature classes, coverages, CAD files or images Standalone tables including.dbf, Excel or geodatabase tables.
Introduction to ArcMap Find Parcel What land use is it? (identify) Find intersection & Address Duarte St. and Eastern Ave. What water feature is near the parcel? Find 231 W Main (label by right click) Measure ROW (measure tool) Find Coordinate Lon , Lat What’s the location?
Introduction to GIS: ArcMap ArcMap Selecting features Set selectable layers Selection tool Add/remove features from selection set Switch selection
Introduction to GIS: ArcMap Selecting features using Queries Select by Location Uses geographic relationships of data to select features. e.g. Select parcels within city boundary Select by Attribute Uses a SQL expression to select features in the attribute table. e.g. Select commercial parcels Use Statistics What is total? What’s average size?
Introduction to GIS: ArcMap Exercise: Combination query, attribute and location How many residential parcels within 1 mile of airport? (1,318) Create New Data Open Attribute Table Create Field and Calculate Sq. Ft. Export to Dbf. Open in MS Excel
Introduction to GIS: ArcMap Session II
Introduction to GIS: ArcCatalog Browse and preview data .shp Geodatabase feature classes CAD Image Tables Connect to data Metadata Metadata Editor Thumbnails
Introduction to GIS: XY Data Open Text file for La Puente Open file in MS Excel Add data City Boundary Apply a definition query to a layer Add Streets
Introduction to GIS: Creating a Map Add data City Boundary Apply a definition query to a layer Add Land use and Symbolize layers Default symbology Import Layer Add Street and group links
Introduction to GIS: Creating a Map Create labels with labeling tool Label classes Freeway Highway Major Arterials Minor Arterial Create a Bookmark City Limits Exercise Find Address 401 S. Ventura Street Ojai, CA Create Bookmark Make shape file and buffer Make Land use transparent Bring in Aerial from ESRI
Introduction to GIS: Creating a Map Create a layout Add map surrounds North arrow Scale bar Legend Title Block Export to.pdf
Introduction to GIS: Creating data Optional, if time permits: Open ArcCatalog Create Geodatabase Create new domain in geodatabase Create new feature class Apply domain to field in feature class attribute table.
Introduction to GIS: Editing data Optional, if time permits: Edit a feature class Add a new feature Edit a feature attribute Edit a feature shape
Conclusion Javier Aguilar (213) Thank you for coming