QuestionPoint User Group Meeting November 2011 Susan McGlamery QuestionPoint Senior Product Manager
Agenda QuestionPoint developments Recent enhancements: What’s next Review of wishlist Questions, comments, discussion
QuestionPoint Community 33 Countries, most recently: Costa Rica, Colombia, Ireland Approx 2,000 libraries Just over 25,000 records in GKB, in 11 languages Over 7 million transactions in QP See the QP monthly report in the blog!
Many channels, one reference service… QuestionPoint account Walk up Telephone Physical desk webformsChat Chat widget (Qwidget) Mobile devices SMS texting Text a Librarian Upside Wireless Facebook
SMS texting Users can text a librarian from their phone; the text will appear in the library’s QuestionPoint account Requires subscription to both QP and Upside Wireless (separate subscription)
Upside Wireless (UW) workflow User texts a question to library Text goes via phone carrier to UW UW sends the text to QP Text appears in QP’s Ask module within seconds.
Librarian workflow Librarians access texts in Ask, respond in Ask Text Answer screen contains a character counter, & “Tiny URL” resolver Send Answer transmits to UW, which sends response via text to user
Upside Wireless information $35 (Canadian dollars) per month, for 400 texts per month (includes all messages IN and OUT) No set up fee Upside Wireless contact: Branko Zurkovic Tel: (this is British Columbia)
The user experience: mobile Qwidget The QuestionPoint chat widget (“Qwidget”) is replaced by a button inviting user to click to launch optimized Qwidget
Updated Facebook instructions: see the QP wiki, promote your service: Qwidget Tips
Full Transaction Searching May 2011
Advanced Search page
Searching Service History
Other recent enhancements/fixes Chat: Custom wait messages for chat queues and Qwidgets Queue closing: close your queue while finishing up the last chat
Wait Messages for Chat and Qwidget: immediate; 50; 80; 120; 190 seconds
New fields in Policy Page eBooks – after Databases Map* Wifi Access?* Parent institution: new in Nov 2011 URL resolver: new in Nov 2011 *Linkable to the WorldCat Registry
Policy Page link to WorldCat Registry: Linkable fields are highlighted in Yellow
Link vs Copy Example: Telephone field
New map field
QP plans for 2012 Improvements to Forms: Optimized for mobile devices Syndication Forms Manager enhancements Form Field reports improvements Integration with other OCLC products/services: use of OCLC Registry data Additional texting options: Upside Wireless Ability to receive and process attachments: pilot Ability to forward into QuestionPoint: pilot OTHER IDEAS, COMMENTS?
Further information Blog: Wiki: Practices
Questions, comments, suggestions? Susan McGlamery