Procurement Risk Assessment Management System Fiduciary Forum March, 2010
ORAF and PRAMS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE(S) Risks to Project Development Objectives PROJECT STAKEHOLDER RISKS (TT-CMU-EXT) OPERATING ENVIRONMENT RISKS 1 2 2.1 Country Risk (CMU with PR & FM) Country Fiduciary Management (FM, PR Systems) Available in PRAMS 2.2 Institutional Risk (Sector / Multi-Sector Level) (SMU-RPM-RMFM) Fiduciary risks at Sector Level – available in PRAMS (with input from Sectors, PR) 1.1 Stakeholder Risk IA RISKS (Including FM & PR risks) (TT incl FM & PR) 3 3.2 Governance Risk Ownership Decision making Accountability & Oversight Behavior and Norms 3.1 Capacity Risk Resources (Human/Financial) Processes, Systems & Control PROJECT RISKS (TT incl FM & PR) 4 4.1 Design Risk No. of IAs Geographical dispersion Level of decentralization 4.2 Safeguards Risk 4.3 Program & Donor Risk Harmonization of procurement procedures Alignment of implementation support 4.4 Delivery Quality Risk Contract management 3.3 Fraud & Corruption Risk Prevalence of F&C Transparency 4.5 Other Risks
PRAMS Overview
P-RAMS – Operations Portal
P-RAMS - Risk Assessment (illustration)
P-RAMS - Rating Risks (illustration)
P-RAMS - Mitigation Measures (illustration)
P-RAMS - Process Evaluate risks: Inherent, Control, Residual Controls Evaluate Risks /Ratings Identify controls Develop plans START Risk Factors Mitigation Plans Reevaluate Update or adjust action plans and SPN levels Act & monitor Desired Outcomes Outcomes
P-RAMS Dashboard (Phase 2)