Sue Amundrud Curriculum & E-Learning Branch Ministry of Education October 22, 2010
Agenda What is ROVER? Progress Video Streaming Licenses Server Administration Demonstration User Benefits Technical Benefits Questions?
What is ROVER? ROVER is the ministry’s Recommended Online Video Education Resource “On-demand” video streaming service Progressive technology upgrade A streaming video server located within each school Accessible from within any classroom at: No bandwidth issues
Progress Video Duplication Service Review in 2007 Interest from school divisions to pilot in 2008 Successful Pilot from December 2008 – 2009 Dissemination of ROVER servers from April t0 June 2010 Installation information provided to Techs at the beginning of the 2010 school year Approximately 98 servers in operation serving well over 100 schools School division techs in process of installing ROVER Videos purchased prior to March, 2010 are available on current servers. Integration with LIVE Satellite Network in progress to enable content updates for videos acquired to date since March.
Video Streaming Licenses Work continues with distributors to acquire video streaming licenses Goal is to acquire all video streaming licenses from current duplication collection Acquired over 700 videos including 100 French titles on ROVER As new titles are recommended and negotiated, the ministry will add the titles to ROVER via satellite and the duplication collection
Server Administration Usage tracking down to the millisecond Proactive support (ability to identify when a server is down) Use of standard metadata allowing for better discovery of content Adding new videos/content (updating) leverages the LIVE Satellite Network Authentication is through CommunityNet
Demonstration Access to ROVER is restricted by IP address so only available within schools, school division offices and Ministry of Education to abide by agreement Online Feedback form is used to continually improve ROVER content, functionality and service Capability to search by: Grade, Subject, All Videos and New Videos Advanced Search Capability by: Title,/Series, Keyword(s), Grade, Subject, or ID Number
User Benefits Preview videos prior to classroom use Select and use only specific clips Video information includes: summary of the video, suggested grade and subject areas Elimination of video order submissions, duplication costs, and wait times Access to Ministry evaluated and recommended video resources that support provincial K-12 curriculum User Friendly
Technical Benefits Server is on local network allowing for much higher quality videos without consuming a lot of bandwidth Server will be continually updated using the LIVE Satellite Network technology (does not use bandwidth) Updates to the server deletes expired videos and adds new videos Classrooms connected to the school network can access ROVER from any computer in their classroom Classroom computer and projector provides for easy viewing in the classroom
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