Medicines Management e-Learning package Kerry Watts Lead Nurse for Medicines Management
Outline of Presentation Overview of Northumbria Medicines Management training- how it began e-Learning the way forward Developing the package Launching and rolling out the package Successes and difficulties Plans for the future
Medicines Management training – how it began… HMMC Team established Sessions delivered Accepted as part of the mandatory training programme …One Lead Nurse, 6000 staff, 30 mins and 5531sq/kms!
e-Learning – the way forward Team discussed initial ideas for package –All staff needed to be able to access it –Needs to be tailored to the staff group –Ability to assess understanding and record this –Make reference to Northumbria Policies –Provide assurance to satisfy NHSLA level 3 requirements Funding was secured - Bid Identification of a company –tender process
Developing the package The team plus Training Dept and IT Identified that 4000 of the 6000 staff would complete the package Material produced –Six modules –Covering general aspects and specifics – prescribing and administration –Inclusion of policies and other relevant documents Worked with Bourne Training – pilot program Trialled by members from each identified staff group Jan 07 – May 07
The six modules – alter depending upon staff group selected at log in
What should you do if a patient brings medicines which they have bought over the counter?
Launching the Programme May 07 program released for use in controlled area – pharmacy Few technical problems August 07 – Trustwide Support from Trust Board Communications department – dissemination plan –Staff –managers
Difficulties Initial technical difficulties Informal feedback –Inability to mark progress through the module –Unable to save progress once started the module –Highlighted some computer literacy issues Larger question bank
Plans for the future
Ability to save and mark progress through modules Update questions and some of the content Larger question bank In built database Access via internet –Further e-Learning programmes for junior docs including medicines management related topics
Summary Identified a need for medicines management training Face to face option – unsuccessful e-learning – successful Experienced some difficulties – not insurmountable Encourage you to go on and develop similar ways of delivering medicines management training in your Trusts