Nursery Rhymes Affecting our Children EMG 102 class CC Image Posted at Flickr By Coco Mault hotos/contusion/ / By Pamela Schaffer 2/19/2011 ENG102 WP1 Research Proposal
A Nuclear Powered Nursery Rhyme CC Photo from Flickr By Steve Punter
Do Preschool and Nursery school teachers know the meaning behind the Rhyme's?
When do we draw the line on Children’s Literature? Some Scholars believe that nursery rhymes in American culture have key themes: Ambivalent behavior towards animals, prickly relationships between sexes, touching and playing between adults and infants.
CC from Flickr By Bluekdesign
Do we teach children to make fun of other children? CC Photo from Flicker By Le Petit Populailler
Nursery Rhymes P sychological Affect Longevity/ Time LineFor Adult or Child Meanings
Our Future
References Blair, Alexandra. (2006, March 07). Why black sheep are barred and humpty can't be cracked. The Sunday Times lies/article ece lies/article ece Cooper, B. (1993). Cradle and All: A Cultural and Psychoanalytic Reading of Nursery Rhymes (Book). Journal of Popular Culture, 27(1), Retrieved from EBSCO host. Alchin, L.K. (2007, November 16). Nursery rhymes-lyrics, origins & history [Web log message]. Retrieved from Slides 3, 4, 6 and 8 Clip art from Microsoft 2007 was used.