Intervention for Chronic and Emergency Exposure Situations Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness Personal Protective Equipment, Devices and Procedures Lecture IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness2 Introduction l In a radiation emergency, emergency workers could be exposed to radiation or become contaminated l Personal protective equipment have to be used to avoid or minimise the risks of contamination and exposure l The lesson presents personal protective equipment and train the student in proper dressing and undressing, and explain the functions of a contamination control point
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness3 Content l BSS recommendations l Personal protective equipment n Measuring devices n Contamination control barriers l Anti-contamination clothing n Dressing n Undressing l Contamination control point l Summary
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness4 BSS Recommendations l BSS establishes that employers, registrants and licensees shall ensure, for all workers, that n... appropriate protective devices and monitoring equipment be provided and arrangements made for its proper use n... suitable and adequate human resources and appropriated training in protection and safety be provided, as well as periodic retraining and updating as required in order to ensure the necessary level of competence...
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness5 BSS Recommendations (cont’d) l BSS also establishes that workers shall: n... use properly the monitoring devices and protective equipment and clothing provided n... accept such information, instruction and training concerning protection and safety as will enable them to conduct their work in accordance with the requirements of the Standards...
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness6 Personal protective Equipment and Devices l Measuring Devices n Dose rate meters n Contamination monitors n Personal dosimeters l Contamination Control Barriers n Anti-Contamination Clothing n Respiratory protection
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness7 Dose Rate Meters and Contamination Monitors l Used for general radiation monitoring applications l Could be based on Geiger-Müller (GM) detectors, proportional counters, ionisation chambers or solid state detectors (sodium-iodine crystals) l Contamination measurements usually require calibration for specific radionuclide
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness8 Surface Probe Area Probe Geiger-Müller (GM) Detector
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness9 Personal Dosimeters l Types: n Passive: TLD or film body badges n Active: Pocket ion chamber and electronic pocket dosimeters l None of the above dosimeters can detect low energy beta emitters l Passive dosimeters cannot be used for contamination surveys l Alarms and turn back values
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness10 Thermo Luminescent Dosimeters - TLD l Crystalline material l Excited electrons remain in metastable state until heated l Heating releases electrons l Reusable but no permanent record l Dose rate response curve is flat l Dose response does not saturate
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness11 Filters Chips Thermo Luminescent Dosimeters - TLD
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness12 Film Badges l X and gamma rays affect film like light l Ionizing radiation “exposes” silver bromide and darkens film l Permanent record (can be re-read) l Not reusable l Dose response saturates based on film l Dose response is flat
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness13 Film Filters Film Badges
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness14 Pocket Ion Chambers - PIC l Must be charged before use l Must be set to zero before use l Radiation exposure causes discharge l Read by looking at the hairline indicator against scale l No permanent record
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness15 Electronic Personal Dosimeter l Similar to PIC l Reads dose or dose rate l Alarms for dose or dose rate l No permanent record
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness16 Contamination Control Barriers l External n prevent contamination of the skin n help minimize the spread of contamination n do not provide protection against external exposure l Internal n prevent contamination from entering the body n require specialized equipment
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness17 External Barriers = Anti-C’s l Cotton Gloves l Overalls l Shoe Covers l Vinyl Gloves l Hood l Foul weather gear
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness18 Internal Barriers = Respirators l Dust filters l Half-face respirator l Full-face respirator l Self contained breathing apparatus l Air Supplied Hoods
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness19 Donning Anti-Contamination Clothing Demonstration and Drill l There are three layers of protection n First layer: gloves and overshoes n Second layer: cotton overall, second gloves and overshoes, cotton hood, passive dosimeter n Third layer: plastic overall, third gloves and overshoes, respirator (mask) and direct reading dosimeter
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness20 Donning Anti C’s: 1 st Layer st layer is complete
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness21 Donning Anti C’s: 2 nd Layer 76
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness22 Donning Anti C’s: 2 nd Layer (cont’d) 9a 9b 8
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness23 Donning Anti C’s: 2 nd Layer (cont’d) 10a 10b 11
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness24 Donning Anti C’s: 2nd Layer (cont’d) 12a 12b View after step 12
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness25 Donning Anti C’s: 2nd Layer (cont’d) 13a 13b 2 nd layer is complete
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness26 Donning Anti C’s: 3 rd Layer 14a 14b 14c View after step 14
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness27 Donning Anti C’s: 3 rd Layer (cont’d) 15a 16 15b View after step 16
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness28 Donning Anti C’s: 3 rd Layer (cont’d) View after step 18
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness29 Donning Anti C’s: 3 rd Layer (cont’d) 19a19b 19c
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness30 Donning Anti C’s: 3 rd Layer (cont’d) 2021
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness31 Donning Anti C’s: 3 rd Layer (cont’d) 22 23
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness32 Donning Anti C’s: 3 rd Layer (cont’d) 24a24b
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness33 Donning Anti C’s: 3 rd Layer (cont’d) 25
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness34 Donning Anti C’s - Overview l First Layer l Second Layer l Attach dosimeters l Third Layer l Put on respirator l Attach alarm dosimeter
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness35 Emergency Worker
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness36 Safety Perimeter at 100 uSv/h Command Post wind CONTROL POINT Access Control Point Security Perimeter Decontamination area Medical response base Radiological Assessor base Vehicle marshalling area Reception Area for Response Personnel Media Reception Area Staging Area Inner cordoned area Outer cordoned area Accident Scene Set-up
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness37 STATION 1 STATION 3 STATION 5 STATION 6 STATION 7 STATION 4 CLEAN LINEDIRTY LINE STATION 2 Disposal of equipment Shower Undressing/Dressing (gloves & overshoes) Air Supply Undressing (LAYER-3) Undressing (LAYER-2) Final Check (LAYER-1) Control Point – Hazmat Procedure
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness38 Removing Anti-C’s l Remove Anti-C’s in the following order n Outer overshoes n Outer gloves n Direct reading dosimeter n Inner overshoes n Inner overalls n Respirator n Inner gloves
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness39 Removing Anti-C’s: 3 rd Layer 3
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness40 Removing Anti-C’s: 3 rd Layer 5a 5b 6
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness41 Removing Anti-C’s: 3 rd Layer 8a8b
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness42 Removing Anti-Cs: 2 nd Layer 14a 14b 14c
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness43 Removing Anti-Cs: 1 st Layer You are free to go
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness44 Summary l Personal protective equipment protects the worker from both external and internal contamination l The presence of radiation can be detected only through radiation monitoring l A Control Point has always to be set up
Module X.3 - Basic Concepts of Emergency Preparedness45 Where to Get More Information See references on cover page