Rarefaction and Beta Diversity James A. Danoff-Burg Dept. Ecol., Evol., & Envir. Biol. Columbia University
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Rarefaction Used to standardize unequal sampling sizes First proposed by Sanders and modified by Hurlbert (1971) Goal is to scale the larger sample down to the size of the smaller one Know what you want to standardize and rarefy Number of individuals? Sampling time?
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Rarefaction After rarefaction, can use a simple comparison of richness or a simple richness measure Margalef (D Mg ) = (S – 1) / ln N Menhinick (D Mn ) = S / √N Both of these measures are sensitive to sampling effort
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Rarefaction Equation for expected # spp in larger sample E(S) = S {1 – [(N - N i over n) / (N over n)]} Terms E(S) = expected # of spp in larger sample n = standardized sample size N = total # of indiv in sample to be rarefied N i = # of indiv in ith spp to be rarefied
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Rarefaction Problems Great loss of information in the larger sample After rarefaction of the larger sample All that is left is the expected number of species per sample Not a real value or real data
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Rarefaction Alternatives to rarefaction Randomly select evenly-sized samples from the larger sample Could be done iteratively to provide a normalized distribution of the expected number of species Akin to the Jackknife values Kempton & Wedderburn (1978) Produce equal sized samples after fitting species abundances to gamma distribution Not commonly used
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Rarefaction – Worked Example 1 E(S) = S {1 – [(N - N i combination n) / (N combination n)]} Calculate the E(S) for each species in the larger sample Sum the E(S) values = total expected number of species in larger sample when rarefied to the smaller sample Calculate Margalef & Menhinick
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Diversity Main goal of diversity Similarity along a range of samples or gradient All samples are related to each other Do not have the assumption of separate processes at different samples Pseudoreplication less of a concern here
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Diversity Summary index significance Higher similarity few species differences between samples lower diversity values Lower similarity more species differences between samples higher diversity values
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Measures Beta Diversity Indices Decreasing index values with increasing similarity Beta Similarity Indices Increasing index values with increasing similarity
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Diversity Six main measures of diversity Whittaker’s measure W Cody’s measure C Routledge’s measure R Routledge’s measure I Routledge’s measure E Wilson & Shmida’s measure T More on each index next week
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Differentiating Between Diversity Indices Four main characteristics Number of community changes Or, how many community turnovers were measured Similar to differentiation ability –we know a difference should be there, does the index detect it? Additivity Does (a, b) + (b, c) = (a, c)? Independence from Alpha Diversity Will two gradients give same values, even though one is twice as rich as the other (same abundance) Independence of sample size Will same value be obtained if have many more identical samples from one one subsite
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Best Diversity Measure? Wilson & Shmida (1984) compared 6 diversity measures Number of community changes W was the best of the lot, followed by T Additivity C was purely additive, others less so ( T and W next best) Independence from Alpha Diversity All but C passed this test Independence of sample size All but I and E passed this tests Take home: Best index = W and T
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Similarity Measures Other applications of indexes Can also use W measures to look at pairs of samples Not necessarily along a gradient Similarity Coefficients Jaccard C J Sorenson C S Sorenson Quantitative C N Morisita-Horn C mH Cluster Analyses
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Similarity Calculations First two are simple to calculate and intuitive Based only on the number of species present in each sample All species counted & weighted equally Jaccard C J C J = j / (a + b – j) a = richness in first site, b = richness in second site j = shared species Sorenson C S C S = 2j / (a + b)
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Similarity Calculations Sorenson Quantitative C N Makes an effort to weight shared species by their relative abundance C N = 2(jN) / (aN + bN) jN = sum of the lower of the two abundances recorded for species found in each site Error in the text on p. 95 & 165
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Similarity Calculations Morisita-Horn C mH Not influenced by sample size & richness Only similarity measure that is nots Highly sensitive to the abd of the most abd sp. C mH = 2 (an i * bn i ) / (da + db)(aN)(bN) aN = total # of indiv in site A an i = # of individuals in ith species in site A da = an i 2 / aN 2
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Comparing Beta Similarity Measures Taylor 1986 Simple, qualitative measures were generally unsatisfactory Jaccard, Sorensen Morisita-Horn index was among most robust and useful available
Lecture 6 – Rarefaction and Beta Diversity© 2003 Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg, Beta Similarity Measures on More than Two Sites Cluster Analyses Uses a similarity matrix of all sites All sites are on both axes of matrix Number of shared species is tallied Two most similar sites are combined to form a cluster Repeated elsewhere until all sites are accounted and included Methods of Cluster Analyses Group Average clustering Centroid Clustering