Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation Theme 1
Global Status Regional distribution of global population not served with improved water supply and improved sanitation Total unserved: 1.1 billion Total unserved: 2.4 billion (Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report: : WHO and UNICEF, 2000)
Global Coverage (Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report: : WHO and UNICEF, 2000)
Urban Explosion (World Development Report 2003 : The World Bank, 2002) Rapid urbanization may bring the urban poor more ill-health
(Safe Drinking Water) Halve, by the year 2015, the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water (reaffirmation of Millennium Development Goal) (Sanitation) Halve, by the year 2015, the proportion of people who do not have access to basic sanitation Key Targets - WSSD Plan of Implementation -
Type2 Partnerships / Initiatives (Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation) Some Examples –The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for all Initiative : WSSCC –Dialogue on Effective Water Governance : GWP, UNDP –Establishment of networking partnership for sharing knowledge and cooperation through the activities of the 3 rd World Water Forum:Secretariat of WWF3 e.t.c.
Examples of Key Issues (General) Means to achieve the target –Concrete actions Sharing knowledge and experience Concerted actions at all levels –Follow-up mechanism Identification of roles of existing institutions and mechanisms Specific role of the following WWFs
Examples of Key Issues (Safe Drinking Water) Planning at country level to achieve the target –Ownership and governance / Promotion of political will Providing safe drinking water supply –Full use of traditional system and site-specific technologies Maintenance of existing systems –Rehabilitation and improved operation and maintenance of existing systems Capacity building –Human resources and institutional building –Synergy among partners
Examples of Key Issues (Sanitation) Climate, Culture, Public Acceptance Socio- economics Technology Water Resources, Natural Environment Keys to Sustainable Progress in Sanitation Expanding and improving Promoting safe hygiene Develop Technical and sanitation services which should be affordable and socially and culturally acceptable education and practices Financial Capacity
Integrate Sanitation into Water resources Management as well as Water Pollution Prevention Humans Nature Sanitation for Black / Gray Water Safe Drinking Water and Other Domestic Water Agriculture, Industry and Other Water Uses
Good Governance and Broad Participation Government Citizen Private Sector SchoolsNGOs Community Leaders Other Stakeholders Health Workers Mass Media ・ Policy Making and Public Awareness Institutional/Financial/Technological Arrangement Technical Advisors