Forces Research Project
Design a PowerPoint Presentation You will be given an image Determine which force is best represented in this image. This is the topic of your research project ▫Check it with me before you begin
What do you need? Title slide: ▫Name of your force ▫Your name and your partner’s name ▫The image you received. 3-4 content slides
Content Slides Describe what your force is using words and images. ▫Definition ▫Examples ▫images How does the force create the motion in the image you received? ▫Describe the interactive force pairs. ▫Draw the force diagram on the object in your image.
Content Slides Provide another real life example of your force. ▫Describe the scenario ▫Provide an image ▫Draw the force diagram for this object Provide at least two fun facts about your force. ▫Images if necessary
Reference Slides List of websites where facts and images were found. ▫Be Specific!! ▫“” is not enough
How will you be graded? Quality of PowerPoint slides ▫Clear and concise ▫Contains all required information and images Presentation ▫Well prepared and organized Questions ▫Answers thoughtfully Participation in research ▫From Ms. Hoop and your partner