The Swift School Strategic Plan –
The Swift School Mission The mission of The Swift School is to prepare children with dyslexia and related language-based learning differences to be successful in life. We will strive to accomplish this mission by teaching them specific learning strategies and skills and by identifying and fully developing their talents. To do so, we will create an environment that is exciting, challenging and supportive. Our educational philosophy is guided by our belief in the following principles: Every child is unique and as a result; the teaching approach, timeframe, and expected outcomes must reflect their individuality While early diagnosis and intervention is preferred, they can occur at any age The optimal learning environment includes a nurturing approach, a compassionate teaching style, a small class size, and proven instructional techniques including the Orton-Gillingham methodology The relationship between mind, spirit, and body requires a curriculum with an integrated approach to addressing the academic, psychological, social, and physical needs of children A strong community of parents, alumni, professionals, specialists, administrators, faculty, and trustees will greatly contribute to our overall effectiveness Appropriate and relevant accreditation and certification will define our minimum standards for excellence As a result of investing in their child’s future, parents can expect their child to improve their reading abilities and comprehension, written and oral language processing, written and oral expression, reasoning, self-esteem and confidence as well as other academic, social, and physical skills.
The Swift School Vision The vision of The Swift School is to become the leading academic institution offering a comprehensive educational experience for each student until he or she is ready, willing and able to transition to another environment of his or her parent’s choosing. We will know we have realized our vision when we achieve these essential goals : Create the optimal learning environment Develop a comprehensive educational program Establish a reputation for academic excellence Develop an active and vibrant school community Serve as many children as possible in the Atlanta metropolitan area Become a leading force in the professional community serving dyslexia and language related learning differences
A Ten Year, Three Phased Strategic Plan to Serve the Mission, Fulfill the Vision, and Achieve Six Goals Solidify & Extend Grow & Expand Serve & Excel Phase 1 – Years Phase 3 – Years Phase 2 – Years 4 - 7
Create the Optimal Learning Environment Solidify & ExtendGrow & ExpandServe & Excel Phase 1 – Years Phase 3 – Years Phase 2 – Years Improve admissions effectiveness through a more comprehensive evaluation process Achieve optimal class sizes Increase the tools and technologies in the class room Develop the optimal class room design Apply emerging and proven instructional techniques in the class room
Develop a Comprehensive Educational Program Solidify & ExtendGrow & ExpandServe & Excel Phase 1 – Years Phase 3 – Years Phase 2 – Years Strengthen the PE program through adequate facilities, equipment, and staff Integrate speech and language as well as occupational therapy Develop Swift School curriculum that fosters consistency between the age-grouped classes and continuity across age-grouped grades while maintaining some faculty flexibility to address student individuality Develop inter-school athletics Establish a Fine Arts program Establish a science and Technology program Establish a “Media Center” program Establish a Social Skills program Co-invest with other schools to expand offerings and programs
Establish a Reputation for Academic Excellence Solidify & ExtendGrow & ExpandServe & Excel Phase 1 – Years Phase 3 – Years Phase 2 – Years Obtain Phonics-First certification, an Orton-Gillingham approach, for all lead teachers and training for all assistant teachers Obtain further accreditation and certification (e.g., SACS) Enhance faculty and administration requirements and capabilities Demonstrate success in alumni performance Hire a Fellow through the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Obtain Associate Member status through the Academy of Orton- Gillingham for lead teachers Become the preferred choice for parents, administration, and faculty Obtain Certified Member status through the Academy of Orton- Gillingham for lead teachers.
Develop an Active and Vibrant School Community Solidify & ExtendGrow & ExpandServe & Excel Phase 1 – Years Phase 3 – Years Phase 2 – Years Educate parents on dyslexia and LD Develop a charter for the Parent Club Cultivate a representative parent association that contributes to school goals (as defined in the Parent Club charter) and seeks to connect all parents and alumni Expand social opportunities for children, parents, administration, and faculty Develop intimate relationships with the psychologists and other professional that enable a mutually valuable exchange of ideas Foster diversity in school leadership and student population Seek out external feedback, review, and evaluation
Serve as Many Children as Possible in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area Solidify & ExtendGrow & ExpandServe & Excel Phase 1 – Years Phase 3 – Years Phase 2 – Years Create a strong development capability Support early intervention and effective transition by offering a kindergarten through 6 th grade program Cultivate a perception of being approachable, accommodating, and service oriented Develop a summer school program Develop a permanent site and structures Complete the addition of a middle school Develop a tutoring program through the school to broaden the reach of the school beyond its student capacity Establish an endowment Develop a scholarship program Complete the addition of a high school (should demand justify doing so)
Become a Leading Force in the Professional Community Serving Dyslexia and Language Related Learning Differences Solidify & ExtendGrow & ExpandServe & Excel Phase 1 – Years Phase 3 – Years Phase 2 – Years Develop a comprehensive diagnosis process and capability in partnership with the professional community Participate in brain-based and other studies Contribute to the development of leading and innovative teaching practices, techniques, and materials for the class room Foster dyslexia and LD R&D Develop an accreditation association and standards
Next Steps Develop an Operational Plan to achieve the Strategic Plan’s objectives (Administration) Set 2006 – 2007 priorities and align the Operational Plan and the Operating Budget (Administration) Establish institutional and operating policies to guide the implementation of the Strategic and Operational Plans (Board and Administration) Refresh the Strategic Plan starting in January 2006 (Executive Committee)