Summer and September Transportation Guidelines for School Staff Office of Pupil Transportation May 2013
Agenda Summer School SSPR updates Transition to fall for current students Student MetroCards Stop to School Transportation Door to Door Transportation New students Tasks to complete for September school opening School Session Time Extended Day Indicators SVER (SE Reconciliation) Non-Public School Calendar application (Charter Schools)
Summer Transportation Students attending DOE summer school programs receive the same transportation they had during the school year 1.Stop to school transportation Students use same bus stop (Stop may be at different corner of intersection) Students not eligible for stop to school during the regular year but are attending a different summer site more than.5 miles from their school may be assigned shuttle stop to the summer location 2.Specialized transportation for mandated students to summer site 3.Summer MetroCards shipped to summer site Charter schools may request MetroCards through OPT for remedial summer programs that mirror DOE structure Schools update Summer School Pre-Registration (SSPR) in ATS (SSPR closes June 27) Identify summer site Change Promotion in Doubt Indicator (PID) to mandated (M) or not attending (N) Summer Ridership available June 24, 2013 Summer sites will view all students assigned to that site Each school will view ridership for their students
Spring Term to Fall Term Transition Eligibility Changes Grade 2 student with B distance: full fare to half fare Grade 6 student with C distance: full fare to half fare Sort TLST screen by grade or class to identify students: advise parents in June that eligibility will change in the fall Note these changes if using RTPL report for MetroCard log to ensure you provide the correct type of MetroCard in the fall Eligibility may change if students change address over the summer Verify eligibility on TLST screen before distributing MetroCards
Sort TLST by GradeStudents in Grade 2 with B distance will change eligibility from F to H after the ATS rollover Follow the same process for students in grade 6
Student MetroCards Fall MetroCard shipments based on ATS data at end of June Cards sent for all students with AT or AP status % Estimate shipment by reviewing MetroCard Inventory at the end of the year Adding Grades or Students? Check TLST screen after ATS rollover 1.T eligible students to request additional cards 2. Advise MetroCard team you have updated your ATS data and request additional cards Check MetroCards shipments in late August Keep MetroCards separated by type Run RTPL in September Verify eligibility on TLST prior to distribution
Estimate your Fall MetroCard shipment Add Assigned MetroCard and Assigned columns, then add 20-25% Ex: H1 cards: =1273 plus 318 (25%)= estimate 1591 cards shipped
Stop to School Transportation Students assigned stop to school transportation that remain eligible will use the same stop in September Review Ridership last week of August to confirm route number and times No updates required in ATS Ineligible students will have stop deleted (OPT will send half fare MetroCards for these students) NCLB students New students will be assigned stops and routed by OPT Review Ridership for students displayed with stops starting with 95 Enter stop number and variance (N2003) on student record in ATS Students “aging out” out of NCLB will have stop deleted Remind parents younger siblings may be affected
Door to Door Transportation OPT develops routes based on SVER data 1.Students returning to your school in September 2.Students attending a different school in September Returning students no longer mandated for door to door transportation can be assigned stop to school transportation (through grade 8) or provided with an SE MetroCard SVER deadline June 27 Review Ridership in late August Discuss any issues or data changes required with your CFN liaison Address changes over the summer may have to be updated in STRE
New Students and Late Registration OPT reviews student data after ATS rollover 1.Transferring students 2.New K students 3.New grade 6 students in middle schools Eligible students will be assigned to existing stops or new stops may be created Students registered after the ATS rollover Schools must assign stops to eligible students or request new stops using the OPT 199 application Review Ridership in late August
Other Issues that Affect Fall Transportation Gifted and Talented programs Reinforce with parents that stop to school transportation is not guaranteed Eligible students will be placed at existing stops or new stops created If a new stop cannot be granted the student may receive a MetroCard for transportation Variances OPT will inform schools regarding variance renewal Class Creation Identify OPT code on CMOD screen Schools with Annexes Ensure classes are associated with the correct OPT code
This school has one ATS school code (30Q150) Two OPT codes: Main Building (30150) Annex (30408) 1.Tie classes to correct OPT code 2.Assign stops from correct OPT code
School Session Time Used to confirm session times for new school year: Deadline is May 3, 2013 Regular and Extended Day schedules for Stop to School Transportation Door to Door Transportation Schools may carry over existing schedule or submit new request Office of Labor Relations (OLR) review to ensure instructional requirements are met, SBO has been approved OPT review for start and end times Review status or session time request by logging in to check Most schools will have confirmation before school year ends Principals communicate with OLR to resolve any issues Confirmed and approved session times on OPT web site in late August Access application on OPT web site: School Resources>School Applications Log in
Update Extended Day Indicators Identify which students will follow your regular or extended day schedule Mandated (M) or Voluntary (V) Student will be assigned bus route that accommodates your extended day schedule Non Applicable (N) Students will be assigned bus route that follows your regular schedule Update indicator for all current students by June 27 Update FUT EXT INSTR indicator field September routes will reflect these changes New students and adjustments Update EXT INST PD indicator field after ATS rollover, through October 4 These changes will be reflected in revised routes effective November 4 Review Ridership in late August for current indicators Information on completing these updates posted on the OPT web site School Resources>Key Documents
Door to Door Transportation Reconciliation (SVER) Provides OPT with information to create September door to door bus routes Students mandated to receive door to door transportation on their most current IEP/SESIS Before beginning the reconciliation: 1.Complete List Notice process for students transferring to different schools 2.Create future classes for students returning in September Enter the correct code for each student on the SVER 1.Student returning to your school 2.Student attending different school 3.Student no longer mandated for door to door transportation 4.Student no longer requires any transportation Information on completing these updates posted on the OPT web site School Resources>Key Documents
Non-Public School Calendar Application Non-Public and Charter schools use this application identify days of service Days school will be open when DOE schools are closed Half days Step by step guidelines posted on the OPT web site School Resources>School Applications Log in