Developing Custom Payment Gateway 4/19/2012 Miro Remias, Solution Architect
Built-in Payment Gateways PayPal, Authorize.NET, Customer Credit, ? Custom Payment Gateway, Market Place: E-way, PayPal Payflow Pro,
Agenda Payment gateway class, payment gateway form (1) SQL Database Save order Update result 2 Payment provider Authorize.NET Checkout steps A) HTTP(S) POST B) Redirect Kentico Buyer(s) PayPal 1 Redirect (optional) Thank you page Payment Notification Update result 2 3 Confirmation (optional) PN page Payment gateway class, payment gateway form (1) Payment result (2) Payment Notification (3) Security (4) Real world example - DEMO
(1) Payment Gateway Class API CMS.EcommerceProvider.CMSPaymentGatewayProvider ShoppingCartControl (ShoppingCart) ShoppingCartInfoObj (ShoppingCartInfo) OrderId (int) PaymentResult (PaymentResultInfo) IsPaymentCompleted (bool) PaymentResult.PaymentIsCompleted AddCustomData() - CMSPaymentGatewayForm control is added to the payment data container and its data are loaded. RemoveCustomData() - All controls from payment data container are removed. ValidateCustomData() - CMSPaymentGatewayForm control data are validated. ProcessCustomData() - CMSPaymentGatewayForm data are processed. ShoppingCartInfoObj.PaymentGatewayCustomData (Hashtable) ProcessPayment() - Override this method to process payment by your payment processor. GetPaymentDataForm() - Override this method to get your own payment gateway form. (static)GetPaymentGatewayProvider(int paymentOptionId) – Loads payment gateway. UpdateOrderPaymentResult() - Updates order payment result in database. OrderId PaymentResult
(1) Payment Gateway Form API CMS.EcommerceProvider.CMSPaymentGatewayForm ShoppingCartControl (ShoppingCart) ShoppingCartInfoObj (ShoppingCartInfo) PaymentGatewayCustomData (Hashtable) LoadData() - Initializes form controls with customer payment data CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.AddCustomData() - ShoppingCartPaymentGateway ValidateData() - Validates form data and returns error message if some error occurs CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.ValidateCustomData() - ShoppingCartPaymentGateway ProcessData() - Process form data and returns error message if some error occurs CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.ProcessCustomData() - ShoppingCartPaymentGateway UI
(1) I Don’t Need Payment Gateway Form ShoppingCartPaymentGateway API PaymentOptionInfo poi = PaymentOptionInfoProvider.GetPaymentOptionInfo(this.ShoppingCartInfoObj.ShoppingCartPaymentOptionID); if (poi != null && poi.PaymentOptionClassName.ToLower().Equals("worldpayprovider")) { this.ButtonNextClickAction(); } else LoadData();
(2) Working With Payment Result Database COM_Order [Table] OrderPaymentResult [Column] OrderIsPaid [Column](new from version 6.0) API CMS.Ecommerce.OrderInfo OrderPaymentResult CMS.Ecommerce.PaymentResultInfo PaymentDate PaymentMethodID PaymentMethodName PaymentIsCompleted PaymentStatusName PaymentStatusCode PaymentTransactionID LoadPaymentResultXml(string xml) OrderIsPaid Note: You don’t need to specify both value and item text if they are identical ((1) item text, (2) item value) <result> <item name="date" header="{$PaymentGateway.Result.Date$}" value="4/12/2012 8:30:19 PM" /> <item name="method" header="{$PaymentGateway.Result.PaymentMethod$}" text="Word Pay" value="5" /> <item name="completed" header="{$PaymentGateway.Result.IsCompleted$}" value="1" text="{$PaymentGateway.Result.PaymentCompleted$}" /> <item name="transactionid" header="{$PaymentGateway.Result.TransactionID$}" value="6dc9af1c.." /> <item name="description" header="{$PaymentGateway.Result.Description$}" /> <item name="verified" header="{$PaymentGateway.WorldPayResult.Verification$}" value="1" text="{$PaymentGateway.WorldPayResult.Verification.Verified$}" /> </result> // Create/address new/existing PaymentResultItemInfo PaymentResultItemInfo itemObj = EnsurePaymentResultItemInfo("verified", HEADER_VERIFIED); // PaymentResultItemInfo itemObj = GetPaymentResultItemInfo("verified"); if(itemObj != null) { // item.Name // item.Header item.Value = ""; item.Text = ""; } // Save new item SetPaymentResultItemInfo(item);
(3) Payment Notification Physical page (.aspx) vs. virtual page (served by Kentico), PN page is not displaying anything - it should only process the received data, Common location: ~\CMSModules\Ecommerce\CMSPages\ PN page needs to be accessible by public user, Compare order data (COM_Order) and secret (e.g. from settings) with payment gateway response/result data, Confirm payment with payment gateway (optional), Log any exceptions, error or suspicious behavior into Event log, Update order payment result, Confirmation e-mails are automatically sent, API CMS.EcommerceProvider.CMSPaymentGatewayProvider OrderId PaymentResult UpdateOrderPaymentResult() int orderID = 5; // from response int paymentOptionID = 6; // from order (based on orderID) // Load payment provider CMSPaymentGatewayProvider provider = (WorldPayProvider)CMSPaymentGatewayProvider.GetPaymentGatewayProvider(paymentOptionID); provider.OrderId = orderId; // Compare data … // provider.PaymentResult = provider.UpdateOrderPaymentResult();
(4) Security Consider using SSL (HTTPS) on shopping cart page when collecting sensitive information, Use POST instead of GET (redirect) if possible, Redirect/post with SSL (HTTPS), Do not send sensitive information as part of the URL (querystring), Verify data/integrity/result/etc. against some secret information, Don’t save sensitive information in Kentico, Customer credit card etc., Use payment gateway security features, Be paranoid!,
Real World Example [DEMO] Understand how payment gateway works, Documentation, Develop payment gateway class, form, PN page etc. Take advantage of documentation examples, Provide your code from App_Code folder, No need to rebuild your DLL file when upgrading or applying hotfix, Use custom setting keys, CMS Site Manager -> Development -> Custom Settings (new from version 6.0), Register payment option (gateway) in Kentico, Assign it to some shipping option, Test and review the security, [DEMO]
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Sources E-commerce Guide
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