TERMS: Wildlife: Animals that are adapted to live in a natural environment without the aid of humans. Habitat: The area where a plant or animal normally lives and grows. Predators: Animals that feed on live animals. Prey: Animal that’s eaten by the predator.
WILDLIFE RELATIONSHIPS: Parasitism: relationship in which one organism feeds on another organism without killing it. Example: INTERNAL – tapeworm EXTERNAL – wood tick
WILDLIFE RELATIONSHIPS: Mutualism: Two types of animals live together for mutual benefit (both benefit). Example – Tick Picker
WILDLIFE RELATIONSHIPS: Predation: When one animal eats another animal. *Good for controlling populations of wildlife. Examples: Mt. lion (deer)Fox (rodents)
WILDLIFE RELATIONSHIPS: Commensalism: A plant or animal that lives in, on, or with another, sharing it’s food, but not helping or harming it. Example: cleaner fish *one is helped, nothing happens to the other
WILDLIFE RELATIONSHIPS: Competition: When different populations of wildlife compete for the same food, cover, nesting sites, or breeding sites. Example: deer & turkeys
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: 1. Farm Wildlife – usually a byproduct of farming or ranching. Bad effects: Crop damage Financial losses Involves: *involves some unharvested areas in the corners of fields *leaving crop Residues for food and cover *water supplies (pond)
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: 2. Forest Wildlife - Types and numbers of wildlife depend on many things: Type and age of trees Density of trees Types of vegetation Presence of natural predators Requirements: Food Water Cover (shelter)
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: FOREST WILDLIFE CONTINUED… Management Practices: Making clearings for new vegetative growth. Selective harvesting (various ages exist). Leaving piles of brush.
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: 3. Wetlands Wildlife - most productive wildlife management. Constantly changing due to water levels. Examples of wetland areas: Swamps Marshes Bogs
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: WETLANDS CONTINUED… Home of Geesefrogsturtles Beaversmuskratsfish Alligatorsduckssnakes Pheasantsdeerotter
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: WETLANDS CONTINUED… Management: Cutting trees to open up the area. Establishing open, grassy areas around wetlands. Planting wild rice and other aquatic types of plants. Provide artificial nesting places. Raising certain animals and stocking them in the wetland (ducks).
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: 4. Stream Wildlife – Warm-water Cold-water ** Depends on the temp. the fish can grow in.
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: STREAM WILDLIFE CONTINUED… Stream Management Practices: 1. Preventing stream banks from being overgrazed. 2. Fencing the stream (to limit pollution by livestock and destruction of banks). 3. Erosion control practices on land surrounding streams. 4. Maintaining stream-side forestation (stream temp.) 5. Regulate the population of the stream.
CLASSIFICATIONS OF WILDLIFE: 5. Lakes and Ponds Wildlife – management similar to streams. - small ponds might need artificial means of oxygen (aerator).
Classification of Wildlife Project Farm Wildlife – Forest Wildlife – Wetlands – Stream Wildlife – Lakes & Ponds Wildlife –