L/O To learn how to structure a response to a poem.
H OW IS THE RELATIONSHIP WITH MAN AND NATURE EXPLORED IN “ HUNTING SNAKE ” BY JUDITH WRIGHT ? Consider: The imagery that is used The structure of the poem The extended metaphor that runs throughout the poem How man is portrayed How nature is portrayed How power is shown.
S TEP 1: B REAK DOWN WHAT THE QUESTION IS ASKING How is the relationship with man and nature explored in “hunting snake” by Judith Wright? Consider: The imagery that is used The structure of the poem The extended metaphor that runs throughout the poem How man is portrayed How nature is portrayed How power is shown. Underline key words in the question. Find a quote for each element. Imagery – quote? Structure – this would NOT be in the form of a quote but a simple outline of the structure. Extended metaphor – an overview of what the poet is comparing the poet and snake to. Man- quote Nature – quote Power – link to the quotes that you have already used
I NTRODUCTION TO THE ESSAY Break down the question, and give an overview of the steps that you will take in your response to it. Give BRIEF background information about the poet. (This is used to contextualise the poem- so don’t give masses of detail- just use detail that will be relevant in your essay.) Introduce themes within the poem. E.g. “Hunting Snake” is about the relationship that man has with nature. Judith Wright was an Australian poet who often celebrated nature in her poems. This is evident in this particular poem. This essay will discuss imagery within the poem and link it to the extended metaphor apparent within. In exploring how the themes of nature and power are portrayed and discussing elements of the poem in detail we should be able to further understand what the poet intended in writing “Hunting Snake.”
E XTENDING YOUR ESSAY Following your introduction, you should then take the quotes that you have identified and give a detailed explanation of the effect. If you have 3-4 quotes and you write a paragraph on each, you will have a substantial essay. REMEMBER – you don’t have time to pick apart every single element- so choose quotes wisely, and make sure that they’re ones that you can say a lot about!
E XAMPLE PARAGRAPH - NATURE The poet starts of by giving an idealised and romanticised view of nature: “Sun warmed in this late seasons grace...” The personification of Autumn, makes it seem like a pleasant human being watching over the poet and her companion in a fatherly manner. The word “Grace” leads us to imagine a peaceful, tranquil and serene environment. It also gives the impression that it is allowing us to be there. It is by nature’s “grace,” that we are in the picture at all. It is warm, yet not too imposing. Nature is seen in all its beauty. It appeals to the senses and makes us feel warm inside. The imagery in this first line makes us feel at home and comfortable. The relationship between man and nature is stable, reliable, beautiful and comforting.
L INKING TO YOUR NEXT IDEA. This is contrasted in the third line as the writer “froze.” This huge difference between being gently warmed to frozen has the effect of Link to a further quote and explain this in detail. Introduce how the structure of the poem effects the reader. Discuss the extended metaphor within the poem. Conclude – by summing up concisely what the poet is saying about mans relationship with nature is or should be.