Unit 5 Deliverable Spanish Speaking Country Research Project March 16, 2014 Alicia Myers OUTLINE CLASSROOM EVALUATION FUTURE USE.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Deliverable Spanish Speaking Country Research Project March 16, 2014 Alicia Myers OUTLINE CLASSROOM EVALUATION FUTURE USE

Outline of Lesson Intro: This project is for small groups (2-4) to conduct an Internet- based research of a Latin American Country. Task: The student and their partner will be assigned a Latin- American country for this project. The student will have to research this country and present their findings to the class. The Glogster presentation needs to include images of interesting places in this country, pictures of the people from that country, monuments, natural wonders, holidays, food, etc.

Objectives Desired Results: Curriculum standard: At the completion of this lesson, Students will engage in conversation with a partner about their country’s local food, clothing, and traditions with no more than 5 grammatical errors. Students will describe what interests them most about their specific Latin American country with no more than 5 written grammatical errors. Students will demonstrate their oral proficiency by presenting material about their country with 90% accuracy. Technology standard: At the completion of this lesson, Students will create a glog about their country’s local food, clothing, traditions, etc. are with no more than 5 grammatical errors. Students will describe in their glog what interests them most about their specific Latin American country with no more than 5 written grammatical errors. Students will demonstrate their proficiency with glogster by presenting their information about their country through their glogster presentation with 90% accuracy. Michigan State Standard: Interpersonal Communication 1.1.N.SL.h: Exchange information in the target language on familiar topics such as personal interests, memorable experiences, travel, school activities. 1.3.M.W.a: Illustrate and present materials in the target language such as an informational brochure or instructions for accomplishing a task ACTFL Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Outline of Lesson Everyday we will be in the Lab (hypothetically, I would have already requested out Lab time for one week) Each class period is 55mins. Task analysis Day One: Introduction to Internet-based research and Glogster – Anticipatory set: Start discussion about what would the students want to look for when it comes to traveling to a country. What are good facts to know about the country before they travel there, what are some attributes of the country that make it stand out or different than other countries. – Students will then be placed in groups of 3-4. They will be given a blank sheet of paper and some markers, we will use this time to brainstorm about what they would like to include in their presentation, get some ideas of what they want to research about their country. – Then I will ask them what they know about Internet-Research based projects. What that means and what to include. I would like to have the students make a list of what they think is credible; definition, who, what, and where do we find credible resources. – Show students the research I did in preparation of credible research sites to aid in their searching process. NMqkMzwaUg8u0v32V3muEJMq0CzNRnmITKv1U/edit?usp=sharinghttps://docs.google.com/a/mail.gvsu.edu/presentation/d/161XlNL NMqkMzwaUg8u0v32V3muEJMq0CzNRnmITKv1U/edit?usp=sharing

Outline of Lesson Task analysis Day Two: Expectations and Questions – I will introduce their Spanish Speaking Countries Internet-research based project through this presentation I’m making for Unit 5 deliverable. – The students will need start doing their research about their country. – Students will gather all their information they find on either a Google drive and/or word document – The rest of this lesson will just be time given to students for research and whatever questions they have. – Students will be expected to write up a detailed out line of their country and their research thus far. Task analysis Day Three: Research Day – Lab time for research and working on their outline. Outline is to be turned in before end of class. Task analysis Day Four: Glogster – Students will be introduced to Glogster. This is an tutorial of how to use a Glogster. (I would prepare usernames and logins for my students prior to lesson) – Show my students my glogster. – Rest of the time will be used for transferring what research students have found onto their glogster page.

Outline of Lesson Task analysis Day Five: Glog Time – Students will continue to work on their glogster presentations. Task analysis Day Six: Presentations – This day, the students will present their glogs to the class. (One-two class periods is allocated to complete presentations)

Classroom considerations & accommodations Grade Level: 10th-12th Subject Area: Spanish Topic: Spanish Speaking Countries Considerations: Since my learners are from various social class, and some may not have access to internet at home, this project would be assigned to be completed in class ( my TA school was a one- to-one school with Google chrome books, but if this was not the case I would go to the school computer lab). Students can also research local libraries if they would like to work on their project at home but do not have access to a computer or internet.

Plans for evaluation Students would be assessed on their presentation, organization, information/research, Display Material. Each of those categories would be scored by – Below Standard (10-15pts.) – Meets Standard (16-20 pts.) – Exceeds Standard (21-25 pts.) – Points Possible (100 pts.)

Future use I see myself definitely using an interactive PowerPoint with this project for my future classroom because it allows students to express the organization of thoughts; not impose an organization. It allows for opportunities of interactivity. Students can deliver multimodal content. Than can do illustrations, animations, visuals and sounds to reinforce their presentation. Also an interactive PowerPoint can be used as triggers, each time a new one is presented. An interactive PowerPoint is also user friendly for the physically impaired because any laptop can be set upon a students lap, of a desk can be wheelchair accessible. By providing both visual and auditoria aid, students with hearing or vision impairments will also be included.