JANJULYJUNMARFEB Exam period between APR- MAY NO EP WORK Research Begin First composition of book. 1) Draft book completion 2) Showing book to target audience for feedback 3) Finish engineering and publication of book. Hand in Come up with title of project and basic Ideas. Complete planning for EP.
February* Main task: RESEARCH Week 1 (1 st February) : Write to publishers to ask whether construction of popup book is viable. Contact illustrators/ writers arrange to meet and talk. Week 2 (8 th February) : Research children’s books by going to libraries, buying books, going online etc. Week 3 (15 th February) : Find an art style you want to illustrate in. Practise and perfect. Start thinking about composition of book. Work out how you will engineer popup book. Research history of building. Week 4 (22 nd February) : Start writing text for the book and finalise composition. *Every date in brackets includes documenting work on blog diary!
March* Main task: Making components of my book Week 1 (1 st March) : Finish text. Week 2 (8 th March): Begin illustrations Week 3 (15 th March): Continue Illustrations Week 4 (22 nd March): Finish illustrations Week 5 (29 th March): Compose draft book including construction of popup. BREAK DURING APRIL-MAY FOR EXAMS. *Every date in brackets includes documenting work on blog diary!
JUNE* Main task: Making components of my book Week 1 (1 st March) : Show draft book to my target audience and collect feedback. Week 2 (8 th March): Make any changes Week 3 (15 th March): Continue making changes Week 4 (22 nd March): Show final book to audience. Week 5 (29 th March): Publish book *Every date in brackets includes documenting work on blog diary!
JULY* Main task: Making of my book Main task: Making components of my book Week 1 (1 st March) : Complete any evaluative work. Week 2 (8 th March): Complete any evaluative work. HAND IN DATE HAND IN DATE : Not known yet! *Every date in brackets includes documenting work on blog diary!