Getting the Most from your World History Course
World History Survey & Skill-building College Orientation Course 2 What is this course? Overview of the Course: See your Professor’s syllabus! In the Fall, every student 1) will write 10 pages in some form or another and 2) will read 500 pages beyond the Voyages Textbook.
Invest Yourself… in the course ….in yourself Hit the Ground Running (Work from the start and don’t fall behind… ) 3 Basic Rules of Thumb
Gain skills you will use throughout your college career…. Get a Good Internship & Job 4 The Payoff:Be an Engaged Student & a Successful Grad with a Job
HELP for HS 105 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 Your Professor >> Your Syllabus The Learning Center Peer Tutoring Your Text book The History Handbook Website of Voyages’ Publisher (Wadsworth/Cengage)
1. Your Professor! An Involved Professional! (2. The Learning Center in the Library) (2. The Learning Center in the Library) 6 Many Supports for Your Success!!
3. History 105 Peer Tutoring: Fall Sessions to be scheduled in Wright 111 Watch for Updates in your history classroom and the door of DHC 203 For a combination History Student Help Desk and Walk-in-the-World Clinic, upper level history majors will be working with students of HS 105 in study groups or one-on-one. Every session is designed to adapt to the skills needs and interests of the students who attend.
Sample Sessions: 8 Skills and Possible Topics(Wright 111) Time Management, Understanding the Syllabus, Reading the Textbook, Note-taking, Comparing Lifestyles in Prehistory How to Read Primary Sources. How to Think Comparatively: Mesopotamia & Egypt How to study… for a quiz, for an exam, for class discussion Researching and Writing a Paper,Civilizations of the Classical Era Upcoming Sessions: Organizing a History Study Guide, How to Study for your History Midterm October 11-12Fall Break
Required Text: Hansen/Curtis: Voyages in World History + The World History Resource Center 1. You can get a better grade by using some of these course materials. 2. You may be given reading and homework assignments from these materials. 3. You may be tested on content from these materials. 4. Study tools designed to help you study smarter (not harder) are in the World History Resource Center. 5. Your text features expanded in-text learning tools and stronger emphasis on high-utility technology--including the widely successful World History Resource Center. 9 +
Hansen/Curtis: Voyages in World History Book’s Main Theme: The constant movement of people, goods, and ideas—locally regionally, and around the globe. Each chapter centers around a traveler’s account that provides the framework for each chapter. Book Extras: Your book contains extra resources in the back. World History Resource Center Quick Guide—This quick guide includes information on how to register and navigate the site. History Handbook: A Short Handbook—This brief handbook provides information on the rules and conventions of writing for your history course. Take a look… 10
World History Resource Center 11 WHAT YOU GET: Documents and Online Readings Maps and Photos Simulations and Timelines Art History Timeline InfoTrac Virtual Reader
World History Resource Center 12 HOW TO REGISTER: 1. Go to to create a Single Sign-On Account. 2. Click “Create My Account” and select “Student.” 3. Enter the access code provided to you when you purchased your book. 4. Fill out account information form to complete your registration.
Hansen Student Website URL: 13 What You Get When You Purchase a New Hansen Textbook: FREE access to the Student Website An interactive eBook contains the entire text online with opportunities to explore primary sources, interactive maps, and additional resources that make history come alive. Interactive online flashcards help you master vocabulary Challenging interactive quizzes build your confidence as you prepare for tests Downloadable chapter reviews so you can listen to your chapter summary anytime, anywhere
Questions? 14 What is History? How my History course can develop basic college skills to help me succeed at Ship…