Hip Pointer Injuries
What is a Hip Pointer? A Hip Pointer is a contusion or deep bruise to the bone called the iliac crest This injury is normally caused by a direct blow or fall to the hip Normally it occurs in contact sports, but can also occur in non contact sports.
Treatment Options Treat the injury with ice packs for 20 to 30 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days or until the pain goes away Doctors might suggest you to take anti-inflammatory medicine and rest as often as possible.
Rehabilitation There are 3 phases of rehab for this injury 1) acute phase 2) Recovery phase 3) Maintenance phase
Sideline Management Normally consists of R.I.C.E. and proper stretching Palpate the athlete Transporting to the ER may be necessary if injury is more severe.
Return to Play Criteria You can return to non contact sports once tenderness and pain goes away. Protective pads are necessary when returning to your activities.