Migration = emmigration + immigration
Push factors Pull factors
Not enough jobs Few opportunities Political fear
Job opportunities Family links Attractive climates
Many different nations 11% are immigrants or have an immigrant background Early 60’s Working immigrants from Asia Particularly from Pakistan 30,000 people Polish workers
Poland (44.482),0,9 % Pakistan (30.161), 0,6 %; Sweden (28.730), 0,6 %; Irak (24.505), 0,5 %; Somalia (23.633),0,5 %; Germany (20.916), 0,4 %; Vietnam (19.726), 0,4 %; Danmark (19.284), 0,4 %, Iran (15.666), 0,3 %; Turkey (15.436) 0,3 %; Russia (13.914) 0,3 %.
New cultures and societies Knowledge and communication Makes languages spread Work Regulates the populaton Peace
Leaving family and friends Sometimes it happens against people’s will Adjustment Immigrants take the jobs Irritation
Marriage Norway has lower taxes Better job oppertunities
Marriage Hungary is tolerant Benefits to immigrants Studies
2 points of view: - People who are migrating - People who live in the country where immigrants arrive o Advantages: you can solve you problem Disadvantages: leave your nation and culture and it may have a destroying effect on the country where you migrate
Pictures: - leaving -going -migrationhttp:// m=eu_country:NO&dl=no&hl=no&q=arbeidsledighetsstatistikk#met=unemployment_rat e&idim=eu_country:NO:BE:DE:HU m=eu_country:NO&dl=no&hl=no&q=arbeidsledighetsstatistikk#met=unemployment_rat e&idim=eu_country:NO:BE:DE:HU m=eu_country:NO&dl=no&hl=no&q=arbeidsledighetsstatistikk#met=unemployment_rat e&idim=eu_country:NO:BE:DE:HU m=eu_country:NO&dl=no&hl=no&q=arbeidsledighetsstatistikk#met=unemployment_rat e&idim=eu_country:NO:BE:DE:HU