WARM - UP: The Nazi Economy Using the phrases in the bubbles (use each once only) to help you, write a sentence about each of the following…. The Labour Service Public works schemes (the Labour Front) Rearmament Strength Through Joy Beauty of Labour low pay, long hours all men aged 18-25 leisure time 6 months military drill Oil, iron and steel production conscription autobahns Trade unions improve working conditions Extra challenge: Add any other relevant facts/dates to each of your sentences.
The Nazi Economy Rearmament Unemployment The standard of living food prices/consumption wages hours of work working conditions
Rearmament army industry spending Conscription was reintroduced in 1935. The army grew from 100,000 in 1933 to 1.4 million in 1939. industry Expanded to meet the needs of rearmament. Coal & chemicals production doubled 1933-1939. Oil, iron and steel production trebled between 1933 and 1939. spending Spending on rearmament increased from 3.5 billion marks in 1933 to 26 billion marks in 1939. Rearmament
How much was unemployment reduced by? 6 million in 1933 300,000 in 1939
What policies did Hitler use to reduce unemployment? The Reich Labour Service (RAD) Public works schemes (DAF) Rearmament Invisible unemployment Can students talk about these and how they were used to reduce unemployment?
What policies did Hitler use to reduce unemployment? The Reich Labour Service RAD It reduced unemployment and prepared men for army life! Compulsory for all men aged 18-25 to serve for 6 months. Pay was very low. Workers also expected to do military drill. Public Works Schemes DAF (German Labour Front) Building roads, schools, hospitals. 7000km of autobahns were built. 37 billion marks were being spent on these schemes by 1939. Rearmament This greatly reduced unemployment. Conscription expanded the army from 100,000 to 1.4 million. Many worked in arms factories and heavy industry. Invisible unemployment Official unemployment figures did not include Jews, women or political opponents who had been dismissed from their jobs/sent to camps. What policies did Hitler use to reduce unemployment?
Can you use the pictures to explain ways in which Germans were better or worse off under the Nazis?
The standard of living - were Germans better or worse off under the Nazis? Strength Through Joy (KDF) too expensive Consumption of imported foods fell Beauty of Labour involved unpaid overtime Weekly hours of work rose, from 43 to 47 Food prices rose (for farmers’ benefit) VW car scam – not a single car delivered Trade unions and strikes illegal Better off Weekly wages rose, from 86 to 109 marks VW scheme – 5 marks a week will get you a car! Beer and butter consumption rose Strength Through Joy (KDF) improved leisure time Beauty of Labour improved working conditions
EXAM QUESTIONS Questions about the Nazi economy have always been either – ‘explain how…..’ questions (8 markers) Explain how the Nazi government dealt with the economic effects of the Great Depression in Germany in the years 1933-39. Explain how the standard of living for people in Germany changed in the years 1933-39. Or 16 markers Was rearmament the policy which had the greatest impact on German economic problems in the years 1933-39? • Rearmament • National Labour Service • German Labour Front • Beauty of Labour and Strength Through Joy Was the creation of a police state the most important effect of Nazi rule on the German people in the years 1933–39? • The creation of a police state • Reduction in unemployment • The changing role of women • The use of propaganda
QUESTION 2 TYPE A: Explain how……. (8 marks) CHANGE/IMPACT Eg. Explain how the standard of living for people in Germany changed in the years 1933-39 Change 1: REAL WAGES DECREASED Average weekly wages rose from 86 marks in 1932 to 109 marks per week in 1938……. But weekly hours of work also increased from 43 to 47 during this period Food prices of most basic groceries rose, due to the Nazi policy of keeping farmers’ profits high Change 2: WORKERS WERE DUPED INTO THINKING THERE WERE IMPROVEMENTS IN WORKING CONDITIONS AND LEISURE TIME Trade unions banned/strikes illegal Beauty of Labour involved overtime Strength Through Joy unaffordable VW car scheme was a con One way in which x changed was… For example……. (use your knowledge to explain how events led to this change). This changed x because..... (sum up the impact of events on x). To reach an A*, link the ways in which x changed A second way in which x changed was… For example…… (use your knowledge to explain how events led to this change). This changed x because..... (sum up the impact of events on x). Another way of reaching an A* on this Q is to write a short conclusion explaining the link between the 2 ways in which x changed. You only need a conclusion if you’re aiming for an A* 10 mins
QUESTION 3 The comparative question (16 marks) Was rearmament the policy which had the greatest impact on German economic problems in the years 1933-39? • Rearmament • National Labour Service • German Labour Front • Beauty of Labour and Strength Through Joy ACTIVITY Complete the planning table for this question.
QUESTION 3 The comparative question (16 marks) 25 mins In some ways, rearmament did have the greatest impact on economic problems. For example…..(how did it have an impact on economic problems? Which problem(s) exactly?) Therefore, rearmament did have an impact because… (sum up its impact). Start and finish each para with the wording of the Q You should not write about all 4 bullet points. How many you write about depends on what grade you’re aiming for (and how much time you’ve got left in the exam!)….. For an A/A*, write about 3 plus a conclusion For a B, write about 2 plus a conclusion For a C, write about 2 (no conclusion) You should always write about the first bullet point (the one mentioned in the Q). When working out how many bullet points to write about, weigh up how much time you have left. As a general rule, aim for a B grade answer. Then, before you write the conclusion, check how much time you’ve got left. If you’ve got time for a 3rd bullet point AND a conclusion, go for the A/A* answer. If not, just stick to 2 bullets points and a conclusion (B grade). Repeat for up to 2 more of the bullet points (1 more for a C/B, 2 more for an A/A*) CONCLUSION B Compare 2 factors – which factor had the biggest/most important effect, and why, AND why the effect of other factor was less important A Compare 3 factors - which factor had the biggest/most important effect, and why, AND why the effect of each of the other factors was less important A* Connect – explain how all 3 factors worked together to have an important effect on the people. It’s easier to explain how each one did have an important impact, and leave any points about them not having an important effect until the conclusion.
What will a successful answer do? LINK to Q In some ways, rearmament did have the greatest impact on economic problems because it helped a great deal to reduce unemployment. After the reintroduction of conscription in 1935, the German army grew from 100,000 to 1.4 million by 1939. This put a lot of men into work. Many Germans worked in weapons factories, or heavy industry, in which production soared to meet the demands of rearmament. For example, oil, iron and steel production trebled between 1933 and 1939. Therefore, the policy of rearmament had a big impact because it enabled the Nazis to reduce unemployment from 6 million in 1933 to less than half a million by 1939. The Labour Service also had an important impact upon unemployment levels…… Good supporting detail – facts and stats LINK TO Q Finishes with a realistic conclusion which compares the impact of at least 2 policies – saying which had the biggest impact and why, and why the other (two) had less of an impact