“Virtual Enterprises Program” 1 st EPAL of TRIKALA
VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES: The program “Virtual Enterprises” is a program that run in the Vocational Schools with the main aim to introduce to the students the “real” conditions of the enterprises.
VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES: The Objectives of the program: The familiarization of the students in methods and procedures of the labor market. The awareness of business thought and culture. The development of personal and business skills. The connection of the school with the labor market. The cultivation of team work between the students.
Characteristics of the model VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES: Characteristics of the model This program runs for a semester for 3 hours per week out of the curriculum. The students work in groups with a business plan within the organizational structure of a virtual enterprise. The number of students in each virtual enterprise, is between 8 and 15 students. The students work in “role play” method and they change roles in the same virtual enterprise.
The role of the teacher VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES: The role of the teacher Organizes the functioning aspects of students’ “virtual enterprise” Choice of students, laboratories, equipment etc Choice of students, laboratories, equipment etc Choice of “mentor” from labor market Choice of “mentor” from labor market Estimation of consumables that will be needed Estimation of consumables that will be needed Prepares the students Engagement in teamwork, role game etc. Engagement in teamwork, role game etc. Introduction to the basic meanings of business Introduction to the basic meanings of business Analysis of entrepreneurship Analysis of entrepreneurship Supports students By offering help and advice throughout the implementation of the virtual enterprise By offering help and advice throughout the implementation of the virtual enterprise
He watches and supervises…...In various stages of the activities of the students’ virtual enterprise...In various stages of the activities of the students’ virtual enterprise He guides and he never interferes… …So that students are free to develop ideas, initiatives and to make mistakes from which they learn Participates in the evaluation process… …In every stage of virtual enterprise The role of the teacher VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES: The role of the teacher
Mentor is a person that works or he is the owner in a similar to students’ virtual enterprise. The students visit his enterprise to see how it works and to ask questions. The mentor comes to school to answer to students’ questions about how they can make their virtual enterprise. The role of the mentor VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES: The role of the mentor
An example of a virtual enterprise NEW CD-ROM O.E.(Ltd)
NEW CD-ROM Ltd. Object The company designs the The company designs the CD’s cover for companies and do the packaging. and do the packaging.
NEW CD-ROM Ltd. At the first meetings we talked about the company and our expectations from it At the first meetings we talked about the company and our expectations from it
NEW CD Ltd. Next, they set up the departments of the virtual enterprise... Management Department Sales Department Art and graphics Department Production Department
NEW CD Ltd. Roles in the virtual enterprise D D D Director S S S Secretariat S S S Sales manager D D D Designers – Graphic Designers T T T Technicians – Workers ALL STUDENTS CHANGED ROLES AND PASSED FROM EACH POSITION
Then some students went to banks to ask for a loan
NEW CD Ltd. Another went to the tax office, another to the Chamber of Commerce to get information Another went to the tax office, another to the Chamber of Commerce to get information Also, they had meetings with Mentor Also, they had meetings with Mentor
NEW CD Ltd. Then the students designed the logo for their enterprise Then the students designed the logo for their enterprise
NEW CD Ltd. They made visit cards…
NEW CD Ltd. …They made a website … …They made a website …
NEW CD Ltd. …they collaborated with another virtual enterprise of our school, called "MULTIMEDIA“….... and they created the CD covers for MULTIMEDIA CD-roms.... and they created the CD covers for MULTIMEDIA CD-roms
NEW CD Ltd. …They prepared checks and invoices …They prepared checks and invoices
NEW CD Ltd. … and they played one game that simulated the real work of “supply and demand”.. The game was played in Computer laboratory.
NEW CD Ltd. CONCLUSIONS 1.The students were fully satisfied 2.The computer game gave important help for understanding basic economic meaning 3.The presence of the mentor was very helpful 4.The students learned about the real market world.
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