E-Portfolios for Students


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Presentation transcript:

E-Portfolios for Students Talitha Hudgins thudgins@media.utah.edu

Learning Outcomes Participants will Understand- The purposes for, and different types of, portfolios. Examples of and uses for different items that might be included in a student portfolio. Components of a portfolio designed to assess student learning that results from a project. How to create an electronic portfolio using PowerPoint, and other document formats such as PDF, Web, Excel.

What is a Portfolio Rick Stiggins (1994) defines a portfolio as a collection of student work that demonstrates achievement or improvement. Northwest Educational Regional Laboratory offers a similar definition: A purposeful collection of student work that illustrates effort, progress, and achievement.

Therefore, a Portfolio is: A collection of students’ work, which demonstrates their skills and accomplishments. It is more than just a group of projects and papers stored in folders. It is used to demonstrate students’ achievements in one subject area or across the curriculum.

Why an “electronic” Portfolio Sheingold (1992), “argues using technology to store student portfolios, can make their work portable, accessible, and more easily and widely distribute. We can also replay performance works anytime.”

Using ePortfolios Information is easily stored in a computers hard drive, floppy disk, CD, or other means. ePortfolios enhance computer and technology skills. Experienced gained: Creating Selecting Organizing Editing Evaluating the portfolios Students gain a sense of empowerment by displaying, sharing, and presenting their ePortfolios to teachers, parents, and the community.

Professional or Student State of Utah is piloting portfolios for preservice teachers. Portfolios may eventually be used for teachers in the re-licensure process. This class is focused on STUDENT portfolios, and specifically for assessment.

A Portfolio Should Include Learner goals Curriculum standards Guidelines for selecting materials Work samples Teacher feedback Self-reflection Criteria for evaluating work Provided by the teacher explicitly or implicitly, or developed by students.

Assessment of ePortfolios Use rubrics to assess the quality of students work. a criteria-rating scale, allowing teachers to track student performance. Students are empowered with the knowledge of what is expected. Performance Description Checklist of Artifacts Rubric

ePortfolio Design Title Card Table of Contents Information Cards Name of student Age of student School year Teacher Table of Contents Information Cards Contains the different sections or information Align with Curriculum Standards

Files Included in an ePortfolio Text Displays student thinking Images Conveys a message without words Sound Shows oral communication Video Shows presentations and performances

Basic Equipment for ePortfolios Computer Scanner Digital Camera Computer with multi-media capabilities. The more RAM the better. Color flatbed scanner. A digital camera allows for the capture of images of students on task and their work. Multimedia Programs: PowerPoint, FrontPage, Adobe PDF, Dreamweaver, Storyboard Live, Need to learn and understand how to use the software and equipment. Plan a flowchart or storyboard. Multimedia Software Programs Web Authoring Systems

Types of Portfolios Working Display Assessment Contains documents students are currently working on or have recently completed. Display Showcase of the student’s best work. Assessment Demonstrates that the student has met specific standards or learning outcomes.

Examples http://www.ideasconsulting.com/dp http://www.essdack.org/port/examples.html

Making ePortfolios Work for You Use of technology – What and how is media used? How is it supported? Logistics – What time, space, and resources are needed to collect and reflect on the work? Culture – What else in the school has to change for the portfolio to be valued and valuable?

Five stages to Building an ePortfolio Stage 1 Defining the portfolio Identify the purpose Identify the standards Identify the audience Teacher probably does this

Building an ePortfolio Stage 2 Developing the Working Portfolio Select The software development tools Identify the storage and presentation medium Identify and collect the artifacts that meet the standards May be teacher OR student

Building an ePortfolio Stage 3 Reflecting on the Portfolio Write reflective statements on each artifact and on achieving each standard. Elaborate on why the artifact was selected, its meaning, and value in the portfolio. Set learning goals for the future. Probably done by student

Building an ePortfolio Stage 4 Connecting the Portfolio Organize the artifacts Create navigational links between artifacts and standards, etc. Probably done by student

Building an ePortfolio Stage 5 Presenting the Portfolio Share the portfolio with the appropriate audience. Evaluate the portfolio with regard to its purpose. Student Student and Teacher

Summary Electronic portfolios are a technology based form of authentic student based assessment. They are a collection of student work over a period of time. The benefits include clear set standards or expectations, quick access, easy storage and increased technology skills.

Now, Lets get to Work Develop an ePortfolio using PowerPoint. Include: Home page Goals, philosophy, rubric, curriculum standards. 8-10 slides Images, text, sound Links