Truck Fleet Costs ©Dr. B. C. Paul 2000 Revised 2008, 2009 Note – This presentation includes screen shots from the Caterpillar Performance Handbook, Catapillar’s FPC Program, Western Mine Cost Service Costing Manuals, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Web Site, and other materials and spreadsheets compiled by the Author
Truck Production Costs l Divided into Ownership and Operating Costs l Ownership includes Annualized Investment Costs Taxes and Insurance Tax advantages l Operating Costs are Incurred as Vehicle performs service
Operating Costs l Fuel l Tires l Lubricants l Repair l Operators
Setting Costs In FPC Use the Hourly Cost Button On Fleet Input Tab
Sub Menu Divides Owning and Operating Cost
Using Menu Requires a lot of side calculations Latest Editions of Cat Handbook Has removed cost estimating Sections. Have to revert to Earlier issues (which we have Online) Lets Go for Fuel First
Getting Fuel Consumption Rates Info from 29 th Ed Cat Handbook Our Conditions are Medium Our truck is A 777 We get About 17 gallons/hr We assumed $2.0/gal. 17*$2= $34/hr
A Comment on Fuel Costs l We are assuming a truck fleet for Iran and middle eastern fuel costs are low l We can see diesel fuel posting regularly but our gas station prices are with tax Off highway diesel does not have the highway tax It is colored red and called “Red Dog” Can estimate by removing tax from typical posted prices Companies vary with respect to issues like bulk buying and delivery cost that can swing things several pennies more
Input Our Fuel Cost Lets go for the Lube Filter, Oil and Grease
Enter the Lube/Filter/Grease Terex rule of thumb was High and 10% of fuel Undercarriage is a dozer Or tracked machine Thing – 0 here Repair Reserve Next
Vehicle Life Impacts Repair Costs Cat 777 will last 40,000 to 60,000 hours Under Average Conditions About 50,000 Table from Cat Handbook 29 th Edition (online)
Repair Reserve Tables Cat 777 has a base Repair reserve cost Of $10/hour
Actual cost Varies with Life of Machine If we go for A 50,000 hour Life we will Pay about 1.5 times what Is in the table Or $15/hour
Enter Our Data Lets do Tires Next
Need to Get Tire Life Where most tires wear out But some cut is zone B An average is 3,000 hours If retread cost is about 1.5 Times normal tire and Life is about 1.75 Cat Handbook does not Give a cost.
Western Mine Cost Service Has Books of Costs Including Tires in the Supply section This resource is Available online for Students or by Subscription fee for Commercial users.
Find Our 100 Ton Cat 777 Lists about $8,881
A Calculation of Tire Cost l 6 tires * $8,900 each is $53,400 l Because of heating considerations I’m not retreading $53,400 / 3,000 hours = 17.8/hour
Adding into FPC Now Lets Go for Operator
Western Mine Cost Service Has Labor Surveys Production Truck Drivers getting About $15.6
Another Source Is the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Note that I can pull Pay and Benefit by Area and Occupation
Industries Are Listed By NAICS Code Numbers
Find the Best Match Looks like mine Machine operators In quarries average $15.9 /hr
Comment on Estimating l In addition to books, manuals and internet sources l Remember the Buddy Network l Excerpts from Trade Journals l Your Companies Own Historical Cost Records l Local Union Contracts or State Wage Scales l Vendor Quotes
Cooking Our Estimate l In our problem we are given that they will use Women truck drivers because if the Israelis launch an air strike they want something that is disposable (and teaching cows to drive was not successful) l Normally there are other costs Unemployment, workers comp, social security, vacation, health etc. You can calculate specifically or use rule of thumb estimating 40-60% burden I’ll go at low end for quarry l 1.4 * $15.75 = $22.05
Input and Switch to Ownership Hmm – Looks like It costs about $70.2/hr to run.
One of My First Issues in How Long it Will Last
Input My Knowns I already scheduled 2772 hrs per year With 80% availability In my example I also know the truck should last about 50,000 hours At 2,218 hours per year that about 22.5 years
Getting My Truck Cost Looks like I’ll be About $1,062,000 For my Cat 777 Using Western Mine Cost Service
Price and Tires Most Prices are Quoted at the Factory – Your have freight And assembly (I added a little Extra as you saw) Tires are a wear item so often They are deducted from the price To avoid double counting Truck weighs 161,000 lbs or 1,610 units of 100 lbs – use $4/100 Weight rule to estimate freight about $7,000 double for assembly
The Issue of Taxes and Insurance Rule of thumb is that Tax and Insurance Are about 5% (2.5% each) of Average Annual Investment (I wish they would call it average annual value) As vehicles values go down so does tax on insurance Average value of calculation is (N+1)/2N * Cost where N is life Substitute and crank 33/64*$1,600,000 = $825,000 * = $20,625
Griping About FPC l FPC does not handle time value of money l Taxes and Insurance are high in the early years and low in the late years A mathematical average does not show what this can do when investors are looking for a return on money
The Interest Problem l If money is borrowed most of the interest comes early I’ll show a method for getting time value of money into it even if FPC tries to ignore it.
From Engineering Economics Get the Interest Rate Comparison Spreadsheet Put in that I borrow Money at 9% over 10 years to pay for The Truck
The Spreadsheet Gives a Yearly History of Interest Payments Use Excels Copy function And copy the interest Column and paste it into Class Assistant (Another Engineering Economics Spreadsheet)
Paste My Interest Cash Flow Into the Cash Flow Analyzer in Class Assistant
Get the Total Life Cycle Cost of the Interest A typical mine looks For 15% rate of return The truck goes into Almost immediate Service – time zero Lasts for 32 years An equivalent stream Of interest over 32 Years is $79,378
Plug it Into FPC I could have done The total life Cycle cost trick to The Insurance And Property Tax Too At this point I know it costs me $107.85/hr to own the truck
When I Click Ok on the Subscreen I Know Have Total Hourly Cost for My Truck See! There it is!
That Was For My Fleet 2 Since I have Fleet 1 And Fleet 3 I can switch to those Fleets and just type In my known hourly Cost for a Cat 785 There. Now I need to do this For Loaders!