INFORMATION SYSTEMS DPM ARCHITECT: STATUS AND NEXT STEPS Presented by Bartosz Ochocki Authored by Víctor Morilla Rome, May 2014
INFORMATION SYSTEMS STATUS Successfully used in Bank of Spain: -Business users with no knowledge of XBRL -7 taxonomies already in production Already used by other institutions: -Used by EBA in the final stage of taxonomy production -Used by EIOPA for its draft taxonomies -Used by European Banking supervisors to review EBA’s taxonomies -Used for testing in the European Central Bank Available for free on request -Distribution list with more than 70 users -More users and feedback are welcomed 2
INFORMATION SYSTEMS DPM Architect for XBRL COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN OF FINANCIAL MODELS 3 Data Point Model Taxonomy files EBA Architecture Rules establish link between the model and taxonomy elements Model design
INFORMATION SYSTEMS LICENSE (DRAFT STATUS) Tool and source code to be provided for free -Source code in English -User manual in English -Technical documentation in UML Modifications on the source code are allowed, but: -Source code modification allowed for internal usage -We want to avoid forks of the code during the first stages of the tool: -Redistribution of other changes or additions will NOT be allowed during the first stages of the tool, unless using the extension APIs -After the initial phase, the source will be released under a GPL / MPL type license 4
INFORMATION SYSTEMS NEXT PLANNED 2014 RELEASES Functional requirements: -Test environment for formulae -Testing and displaying the result of validation rules -Automatic generation of regression tests -Public interface to be published for vendors -Change management support Technical requirements (in sync with EBAs working group decisions): -Changes on the Table Linkbase Spec -Enumeration lists -Generic presentation arcs for table groups -Taxonomy package -New features of the Formulae Spec. 5
INFORMATION SYSTEMS POSSIBLE EVOLUTION PATHS Relational DB backend: -Currently only DB export implemented. -Persistence to relational DB is a highly demanded feature -It would simplify access to metadata without XBRL specific knowledge Web interface: -It would enable working on new models from multiple locations -It would simplify the review of the taxonomy at an early stage -It would improve the understanding of the model and a higher quality Looking forward to collaborating with other institutions 6
INFORMATION SYSTEMS Contact information & requests to access the tool: