1 DairyCare A COST Action in dairy animal welfare Prof Chris Knight University of Copenhagen


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Presentation transcript:

1 DairyCare A COST Action in dairy animal welfare Prof Chris Knight University of Copenhagen

Background and context Milk is produced in every single EU Member State without exception. Milk is the EU number one single product sector….. at approximately 15 % of agricultural output. The EU dairy herd has been decreasing steadily during the last years, as milk yield per cow has improved. Farm and dairy herd sizes vary enormously….(BUT) …as the dairy sector develops…less developed dairy producers are rapidly catching up with those who had restructured and modernized From

Background and context Summary: Higher yielding cows and bigger, more technological dairy farms requiring higher level management Currently hindered by technology fragmentation and lack of key technology uptake Example: mastitis detection Effective technologies that assist good husbandry are urgently needed

Key objectives To improve the wellbeing of dairy cows through two mechanisms: –Accelerated development and application of relevant biotechnologies that will assist and promote good husbandry –Wider dissemination of best-practices

Key deliverables Novel biotechnologies for: –Automated monitoring of dairy cow wellbeing –Automated detection of sub-clinical problems (eg SARA) –Automated monitoring of feeding behaviour –Automated detection of lameness Tailored ”smart” husbandry support systems for automated herd management DairyCare ”Blueprint for Action” Knowledge translated into effective decision-making

Key scientific focus Novel non-invasive welfare biomarkers Novel milk metabolomic health analysis Novel activity-based welfare and health technologies Novel biologic and teleonomic data acquisition, processing and modelling to deliver integrated decision making tools Novel and realistic sensing and integration technologies

Why COST? Opportunity to co-ordinate and obtain added-value from ongoing research –ERA Net ICT Agri (4 relevant projects, including Dairy ICT) –EU FP7 EU-PLF (also ProHealth, All-Smart-Pigs) –Marie Curie: BioBusiness –National projects –COST FAP –Co-Lact Nordforsk researcher network Need for multi-disciplinary, cross-regional, trans-sectoral activities Opportunity to benefit from diverse range of skillsets and knowledge bases

Key impacts DairyCare will deliver improved local and global competitiveness for EU industries For EU dairy farmers and consumers: –Optimised welfare will maximise milk value and deliver added value along the food chain –Automated sensing and clear, simple decision tools will enable economies of scale and solve the problem of husbandry dilution For EU biotechnology and engineering industries: –Novel products will be developed for the global market DairyCare will deliver improved herd management, hence reducing waste and emissions and increasing sustainability Increased competitiveness in global food security

Key mechanisms Having the best and most relevant: –Partners –Skills and disciplines –Structures Scientific Organisational –Scientific Activities –Dissemination Activities –Communication

Partners Scientific partners from 24 COST countries Experts from 4 non-COST countries Cattle feedstuffs companies Cattle breeding companies Dairy engineering companies Dairy consultancies and advisors Dairy farmers Consumer organisations Excellent academic:industry balance (2:1)

Skills and disciplines Animal scientists Nutritionists Veterinarians Geneticists Ethologists Electronics engineers Engineers Computer scientists Data analysts/Mathematicians Economists Physiology Metabolomics Proteomics Genomics Behavioural science Systems science Biological modelling Bioethics Socioeconomics

Structures: Scientific WG1 Biomarker-based welfare technologies WG2 Activity-based welfare technologies WG3 System-level welfare technologies Early-Stage Researcher Forum

Scientific Activities Kick-off Meeting Implementation plan Networking Conference Draft Blueprint Final Conference Blueprint For Action STSM ESRs in focus: Target of STSM/yr, ESRs help make decisions

Action-specific deliverables DeliverableYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4 Implementation Plan X Website created X Networking Conference Report X X X X Journal of Dairy Research special issue X X STSM Reports X X X X X X X X X X X X X DairyCare Blueprint for Action X Research Training Manual X X Best Practice Manuals X X X Social Media and Video Reports X X X X

WG1 Biomarker-based Welfare Technologies WG2 Activity-based Welfare Technologies WG3 System-level Welfare Technologies Early Stage Researcher Forum Chair VC Chair VC Chair VC Chair VC Action Chair VC STSM co-ordinators Action Steering Group Dissemination co-ordinator Rupert Bruckmaier, CH Sigrid Agenas, SE Gerardo Caja, ES Ivan Andonovic, UK Jon Moorby, UK Lene Munksgaard, DK Vivi Thorup, FR Marcela Speranda, HR Gianfranco Gabai, IT Marta Brsic Annelies van Nuffel Structures: Organisational Management Committee 2 delegates per country Chris Knight, DKLena Lidfors, SE

Structures: Support COST Brussels Secretariat Action Steering Group Action Central Secretariat Local Meeting Secretariat Overall administration where COST office is involved Scientific administration (including meeting programme and registrations) Domestic arrangements at meetings

Dissemination Activities Website: open access pages Research Training Workshops at year 2 and 4, informed by Implementation Plan and ESR Forum, tailored to ESRs Best Practice Workshops, years 2, 3 & 4, tailored to endusers Educational Outreach through existing Erasmus Mundus MSc educations, tailored to next generation scientists Published Networking Conference Proceedings (including some as special issues of Journal of Dairy Research) Peer reviewed and industry-ready publications/reports DairyCare ”Blueprint for Action” European Cattle Innovation Partnership (EU Levy bodies: 9M cows)

Communication Dedicated website –Public access pages –Subscription-only pages –Partner publications –Reports –News –File and data sharing capability –Links to other relevant Actions and to related scientific organsiations/events Presence at relevant scientific meetings Social and video networking