Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Education and Culture
1 st EPAL of Drama Organic Food In simple words, food that is grown or raised without chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers is called "organic". Foods that are labeled as "Organic" need to contain at least 95% organic ingredients, except for added salt and water. General information
1 st EPAL of Drama Biodegradable Plastics Biodegradable plastics are made with biopolymers of hydroxyvalerate or hydroxybutyrate, but they are also produced in nature during biosynthesis. Biodegradable means that they decompose under the enzymatic action of microorganisms: bacteria and fungi; therefore, they are not recyclable. There are other types of biodegradable plastics that are a mixture of synthetic polymers obtained from starch (from potatoes, rice, corn) or cellulose. In these cases, just the natural components are decomposed in oxygen and water (aerobic) or water and methane (under anaerobic conditions), while the synthetic component is just broken in small amounts and it disappears into the ground. Currently they are relatively expensive.
1 st EPAL of Drama Food research As an activity for our Comenius project all participants decided to make a comparative research concerning organic food and biodegradable food packaging. The survey took place on 150 students. Here are the results for each country separately and all together.
1 st EPAL of Drama Results of Romania
1 st EPAL of Drama Results of Poland
1 st EPAL of Drama Results of Spain
1 st EPAL of Drama Results of Bulgaria
1 st EPAL of Drama Results of Turkey
Results of Greece
Results of Italy
1 st EPAL of Drama People who know about organic food
1 st EPAL of Drama People who eat organic food
1 st EPAL of Drama People who know about biodegradable packaging
1 st EPAL of Drama People who use biodegradable packaging