Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6Level 7/8 Solving Equations I am beginning to understand the role of the = sign I can find missing numbers. I can construct and solve linear equations with unknowns on one side including negative numbers. I can construct and solve linear equations with unknowns on both sides including with negative numbers and brackets. I can construct and solve simultaneous equations. Teacher Version
Solving Equations I am beginning to understand the role of the = sign I can find missing numbers. I can construct and solve linear equations with unknowns on one side including negative numbers. I can construct and solve linear equations with unknowns on both sides including with negative numbers and brackets. I can construct and solve simultaneous equations. Pupil Version
True or false? = How do you know? Solve these equations 3y - 4 = 11 Y - 6 = 2 2 Solve 3c – 7 = 2c + 3 Solve these simultaneous equations using an algebraic method: 3a + 2b = 16 5a - b=18 I am beginning to understand the role of the = sign I can find missing numbers. I can construct and solve linear equations with unknowns on one side including negative numbers. I can construct and solve linear equations with unknowns on both sides, including negative numbers and brackets. I can construct and solve simultaneous equations.
Key WordsNever heard before? Heard of but not sure what it means? Know what it means and can explain it in context Jot down your ideas here... Equation Expression Formula Substitute Term Solve Unknown