TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Lesson Planets Mercury and Venus Pictures of Mercury and Venus Earth and Mars Pictures of Earth and Mars Outer Planets Pictures of outer planets Galaxy
TABLE OF CONTENTS Moons and Asteroids Moons Moons cont. Asteroids Comets and Meteor Beyond the Book Beyond the book cont. Bibliography
SUMMARY OF LESSON The Solar System is part of the galaxy Milky Way. The Sun and the bodies that revolve around it makes up solar system. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are the inner planets. They are small and rocky and have none or few moons. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the outer planets. Space probes can be used to explore regions of space too that are too difficult or dangerous.
PLANETS There are eight planets in the solar system. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. The planets are separated into two groups the Inner Planets and Outer Planets. The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
MERCURY AND VENUS Mercury being the first planet from the sun is surprisingly not the warmest planet. Mercury’s diameter is 4,880 km. It’s distance from the Sun is 57.9 million km. The reason it is no the warmest is because it has no atmosphere. Mercury’s surface temperature varies from widely between day and it’s night. Mercury’s daytime temperature can rise to 427°C. At nighttime the temperature can go as low as -173°C. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is the most sweltering planet in our solar system. Venus’s diameter is 12,100 km. It’s distance from the Sun is million km. The reason that it is the warmest planet is because it has a really thick atmosphere that traps all the heat. Its atmosphere is made of 96% carbon dioxide. The surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead.
EARTH AND MARS Earth is the only known planet to have liquid water. Earth’s water and atmosphere and oceans keep the surface temperature within a range that can support life. The diameter of Earth is 12,756 km and its distance from the Sun is million km. Mars, the red planet, is smaller than Earth but has about the same land area. Compared to other planets, Mars has been explored the most. The surface of Mars shows surface erosion, indicating that it may once have been like Earth. The diameter of Mars is 6,800 and its distance from the Sun is million km.
PICTURES Of Mars and Earth
OUTER PLANETS Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. It’s diameter is 142,800 km. It’s distance from the Sun is 778 million km. Saturn is the second largest planet and its diameter is 120,000 km. And its distance from the Sun is 1,427 million km. Uranus’s diameter is 50,800 km and its distance from the Sun is 2,870 million km. Neptune diameter is 48,600 km and its distance from the Sun is 4,500 million km.
GALAXY A galaxy is a huge system of gas, dust, and star. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. And our solar system is one of a thousand solar systems in our galaxy.
Moons and Asteroids Moon= a moon is a natural satellite. It orbits around the earth. Asteroids= a relatively small object that orbits the sun.
Moons These are some facts about our moon. The moon is one of the easiest objects to see in the night sky. The only natural satellite for our planet is hovering over our heads in earth’s orbit and that is our moon. These are some moons that have been explored, Io, Enceladus, and Ariel.
Moons continued Io is one of the moons of Jupiter. Many volcanoes dot its surface. Enceladus is one of Saturn’s many moons. It has an icy surface of smooth plains, craters, and long cracks and ridges. Ariel- the valleys of Ariel, a moon of Uranus, may have formed during violent moonquakes.
ASTEROIDS Scientist estimate that there are millions of asteroids in outer space. Most of these asteroids are believed to be located in a band between Mars and Jupiter called the Asteroid Belt. Asteroids range in size from hundreds of kilometers in diameter to only 1 km.
Comets And Meteor A comet is a small, orbiting body made of dust, ice, and frozen gasses. A meteor is a chunk of matter that enters Earth atmosphere and heated by friction with the air. Meteors begin as meteoroids, which are bits of rock or metal that orbit the Sun.
Beyond The Book In total there are 176 moons in our whole solar system. Scientists estimate that there are about 50 dwarf planets in our solar system. In 2029 there is an asteroid predicted to destroy earth by using its gravitation pull. Some comets take 30 million years to orbit the Sun.b
Beyond the book There are about one hundred billion galaxies in our universe. NASA found a planet with 2 suns. The universe is about 15 billion years old.
POP QUIZ What is a galaxy? A laughing donkey. A huge system of gas, dust, stars. A galaxy BLAHGIFFFFY HJDGHAG. ( hint: pick the first one)
POP QUIZ Which moon of Saturn did we mention? Cheesy Enchiladas Enceladus Winnie the Pooh Ariel Encceladus None of the above.
POP QUIZ How many moons are there in our solar system? 172 175 ½ 176 100,000,000,000
POP QUIZ What is a moon? A big chunk of cheese that orbits a satellite. A basketball that is huge and is disguised as a piece of mozzarella cheese. A natural satellite for planets. Yackety Yak.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Science book.