Limerick A limerick is a short, humorous poem composed of five lines.
Limerick It usually has the rhyme scheme aabba, created by two rhyming couplets followed by a fifth line that rhymes with the first couplet.
Limerick A limerick typically has a sing-song rhythm and usually is non-sensical in terms of theme.
Limerick The limerick usually presents absurd situations with a whimsical mood.
Limerick There WAS an old MAN with a LIGHT (a) Who was DRESSED in a GARment of WHITE; (a) He HELD a small CANdle, (b) With NEVer a HANdle, (b) And DANCED all the MERry long NIGHT. (a)
Your job is to write a “chain limerick.” Each of you will write the first line of a limerick – be careful to follow the rhythm – the unstressed/stressed meter. Then, you will pass your first line to your neighbor.
Limerick You will now have the first line of your neighbor’s limerick. Your job is to write the second line of it. Be sure to rhyme with the first line AND follow the limerick’s meter.
Limerick Now, you will pass those two lines to your neighbor. Now, you have the first two lines of a limerick. Your job is to write lines three and four. Notice that these two lines rhyme with each other, but not with the first two lines. Notice also that the meter is different.
Limerick Now, you will pass this almost-finished limerick back to the originator – back to the person who wrote the first line. After you have traded, each of you should have your limerick back. Your job is to write the final line. The final line rhymes with the first two lines and contains the same meter.
Limerick First line: Duh-DUH-duh-duh-DUH-duh-duh-DUH
Limerick Second line: Duh-DUH-duh-duh-DUH-duh-duh-DUH
Limerick Third and fourth lines: Duh-DUH-duh-duh-DUH
Limerick Fourth line: Duh-DUH-duh-duh-DUH-duh-duh-DUH