witty. humorous. nonsense. awesome.


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Presentation transcript:

witty. humorous. nonsense. awesome. Limerick! witty. humorous. nonsense. awesome.

Limericks! Five line poem with a set form Rhyme scheme of AABBA A lines and B lines have the same number of syllables! The third and fourth lines (the B lines) are often shorter than the rest of the lines. Often silly and funny and full of nonsense!

Let’s look at an example Hickory Dickory DockA mouse ran up the clockThe clock struck oneAnd down he runHickory Dickory Dock. Five lines? AABBA? A lines and B lines have the same number of syllables? B line shorter? Funny and silly?

History of the limerick The first form of a limerick can be found during the early 18th century in England! Scholars think the name “limerick” may be a reference to the city of Limerick in Ireland because they often told naughty limericks in Irish Pubs! (Only PG limericks here folks!)

Limericks made famous by Edward Lear (painter & humorist) in 1845 212 limericks in three different publications...although he did not call them by that name! They were nameless until 1898! Many of his limericks were turned into songs!

Limericks by Kids! There was once a girl name Jill. Who freaked at the sight of a drill. She brushed everyday so her dentist would say your teeth are quite perfect, no bill. - Wieho, age 9 There once was a girl named Mary, who wanted to be a fairy. So she tried a spell, that didn't go well, and now her hands are hairy. - Fran, age 12

What to remember... Five lines AABBA A lines rhyme and have same number of syllables B lines rhyme and have same number of syllables (less than A) Funny and silly!

Assignment Start with the phrase... “There once was a ___________ named ___________. Then your next line will have as many syllables as your first line and the last word will rhyme with the last word of the first line. Line 3 and 4 should have fewer syllables than the first two lines and they need to end with words that rhyme with each other. Line five will need to have the same number of syllables as the first two lines and will need to end with a word that rhymes with the last words in line 1 and 2! Ready, set, limerick!