TOPIC 12: The Life of Mohammed (P) and the first Islamic State in Medina OBJECTIVE: 10. Describe how Islam was spread. KD Answer - Here is the correct chronological order: 1.Mohammed (PBUH) married Sawda. 2.Mohammed (PBUH) moved to Taif. 3.Six men travelled to Medina as Islamic missionaries. 4.The Quraish plotted to kill Mohammed (PBUH). 5.The beginning of the Islamic calendar in AD Mohammed (PBUH) build a simple house in Medina in the quarter (protection) of the Najar Tribe. 7.Mohammed (PBUH) began to solve disputes and make laws regarding marriage, divorce and food. 8.Medina became an Islamic state with Mohammed (PBUH) as its leader.
TOPIC 13: Islam Spreads Beyond Medina OBJECTIVE: 11. Explain how Islam was spread to Mecca. KD ANSWERS: 1. Journey from Mecca to Medina in AD Hijra - important to Muslims: (2) Considered the true beginning of Islam and the Islamic calendar 2. Built the Ka’baa in Mecca: (2) p. 40 Abraham and Ismael 3. Read pages and fill in the battle summary below. (5) Muslims felt like they had to defend Islam against those who would not accept Islam. There were a series of battles fought in defense of Islam. As a result, the Battle of Bader was fought on the 17 th of ___________ in the year ____ AH or AD _____. The Muslims were led by Mohammed (P) and won the battle. After the battle Mohammed (P) changed the direction of prayer from _____________ to ____________. Ramadan2 623 JerusalemMecca
TOPIC 13: Islam Spreads Beyond Medina OBJECTIVE: 11. Explain how Islam was spread to Mecca. KD ANSWERS: 4. The battle of Uhud was fought in ____ AH or ____ AD. The Quraish were led by _____________________. The Muslims were defeated because some of them _______________________________. Mohammed (P) was injured but then preached to the Muslims that the defeat was _____________ for being disobedient and greedy. He said God had spared the Muslims went against the Prophet’s orders Khalid Bin Al Waleed punishment
TOPIC 13: Islam Spreads Beyond Medina OBJECTIVE: 11. Explain how Islam was spread to Mecca. KD ANSWERS: 5. Read page 41 and fill in the battle summary below. (5) In the Battle of Al Khandaq (the ______) the Meccans sent an army of _______ and were led by __________.. The Muslims defeated the Meccans and after the battle Mohammed (P) turned on the Jews that betrayed him, having their men ___________. Ditch 10,000 Abi Sufian executed
TOPIC 14: Unification of the Arabian Peninsula OBJECTIVE: 12. Give examples of how Islam spread across the Arabian Peninsula. WARM UP - Here are some ideas: 1. Why do people have religion in their lives? Discuss. To have a purpose in life that guides them To have goals in life and solutions to problems To learn how to behave / kindness To have hope and support To have belief that our lives are meaningful and important (beyond this world) Saves us time, gives us answers and give us peace of mind To unite us
TOPIC 14: Unification of the Arabian Peninsula OBJECTIVE: 12. Give examples of how Islam spread across the Arabian Peninsula. KD ANSWERS: 1. Page 42 summaries: (6) The Treaty of ___________ was signed between the Muslims and the ___________. It allowed Mohammed (P) to ____________________, convert them to Islam and enabled his followers to attend pilgrimages to _______. 2. Mohammed traveled with Muslims in 8 AH (AD 629) to ________ for his first pilgrimage. He walked around the ______________ and touched the sacred black stone. Hudaybiya Quraish preach to the people Mecca Ka’aba 7 times
TOPIC 14: Unification of the Arabian Peninsula OBJECTIVE: 12. Give examples of how Islam spread across the Arabian Peninsula. KD ANSWERS: 3. Read page 43 and fill in the summary below. (3) When Mohammed (P) returned to Medina from his first pilgrimage in Mecca, he began to send messages to ________ and ________ of other regions calling on them to _____________________________________ 4. Read page and fill in the summary below. (5) In the year ______ (AD 632) Mohammed (P) performed Hajj for the last time. During his pilgrimage he delivered his famous last speech called ___________________. The speech was delivered on Mount ______________. When Mohammed returned home he became ill and died on __________________________ at the age of ______. embrace the beliefs of Islam. kings rulers 10 AH Khotba at Al Wadaa Mount Arafat Monday, 12 Rabie Al Aw Wal63
Year 8 Social Studies – The Islamic World DATE: _____________________, 2015 TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs REVIEW: The Treaty of Hudaybiya Mohammed (P) returned from his first pilgrimage - sent messages Monday, 12 Rabie Al Aw Wal OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). WARM UP: 1. What job did the first messengers of Islam have? p. 47 Discuss. 2. How can you influence people to be more like you? How do you think you’d need to behave to get people to follow you?
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 1. Some leaders refused to let the message of Islam reach their people. How did Muslims deal with this challenge? (2) p Countries that accepted Islam were influenced by pious followers of the Prophet (P). What does pious mean? (1) p Islam was spread peacefully and not by coercion. What does coercion mean? (2) p Where did Muslim minorities grow strong? (5) p Where did the spread of Islam have less impact? Why? (4) p. 48
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KD ANSWERS: 1. Muslims deal with challenge of leaders refusing the message of Islam: p. 47 Muslims began moving towards these regions and broke down the barriers. People were give the free choice to join Islam or stick to their beliefs. 2. Pious - very religious, virtuous or moral 3. Coercion - to bully, intimidate, to force 4. Muslim minorities grew strong: p. 48 Al Andalus (Spain and Portugal), Mediterranean Islands of Sicily, Malta and Cyprus. 5. Spread of Islam had little impact: p. 48 In Europe and India – because Christianity was strong in Europe and Hinduism dominated India.
DATE: _____________________, 2015 TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). REVIEW: Pious - very religious, virtuous or moral Coercion - to bully, intimidate, to force Muslim minorities grew
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 6. Islam was led by the successors of Mohammed (P). What does successor mean? (1) p What were Mohammed’s (P) successors called? (2) p Who were the Four Caliphs and what was their rule based on? (5) p Draw an arrow timeline below with the years of the Caliph’s rule over Islamic teaching. (5) p Abu Bakr needed to be great leader of Muslims because Islam was in danger of disintegration. What is disintegration? (2) p. 50
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KD ANSWERS: 6. Successor - descendant or someone that follows after 7. Mohammed’s (P) successors were called - (2) p. 49 : Caliphs Al Rashidoon (rightly guided ones) 8. Four Caliphs and their rule: (5) p. 49 1)Abu Bakr 2)Omar Bin Al Khattaab 3)Othman Bin Afaan 4)Ali Bin Abi Talib Rule was based on justice, mutual consultation, and equal rights for all people.
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KD ANSWERS: 9. Timeline of the Caliph’s rule over Islamic teaching: (5) p Disintegration - to breakup, collapse, crumble or dissolve Prophet Mohammed – 11AH Abu Bakr 11 – 13 AH Omar 13 – 24 AH Othman 24 – 35 AH Ali 35 – 40 AH Umayyads
DATE: _____________________, 2015 TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). REVIEW: Successor - descendant or someone that follows after Caliphs Al Rashidoon
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 11. Why was Islam in danger of disintegration? (4) p What was the role of the Caliph? (2) p List three reasons why Abu Bakr was chosen as the first Caliph. (3) p. 50
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: 14. Look at the map on page 51. What does it indicate about the spread of Islam? Explain. (2)
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KD ANSWERS: 11. Islam in danger of disintegration: (4) p. 50 When Mohammed (P) died many Muslims expected the religion to finish. Many refused to pay taxes, honour treaties, and some began to follow false prophets. 12. Role of the Caliph: (2) p. 50 Reunite Muslims by persuasion, not by force Become the spiritual leader
TOPIC 15: The Spread of Islam After the Prophet Mohammed (P) - Caliphs OBJECTIVE: 13. List ways that Islam was spread after the Prophet Mohammed (P). KD ANSWERS: 13. Reasons Abu Bakr was chosen as the first Caliph - choose three: (3) p. 50 He was the oldest companion of Mohammed (P) He was the first man to convert to Islam He sacrificed most for the cause of Islam He accompanied Mohammed (P) on the Hijra Mohammed (P) chose him to lead Muslims at prayer time 14. Spread of Islam: It started locally, on the Arabian Peninsula. (2) p. 51