Classroom Applications for English Language Learners Language Objective Classroom Applications for English Language Learners
What is language?
Other Definitions Google/Wikipedia Merriam-Webster/Oxford Dictionaries The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Language is the human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, and a language is any specific example of such a system The system of communication used by a particular community or country. The words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community. Understand one another as a result of shared opinions or values.
Developing Language Objectives Content Objective Language Objective They state what students will learn. Both objectives must be clear and in student-friendly language. They state how they will learn it and how they will demonstrate their learning to you. (activities in your lesson plan) The language objectives domains are: listening, speaking, reading and writing.. Avoid copying from ELPS You must include active verbs that relates to a language domain.
Language Objective Verbs Listening: listen for, look for, pay attention to, think about, focus on, concentrate on. Speaking: retell, summarize, discuss, share, tell, persuade, argue, report, recite, describe, comment, explain, sing, echo, repeat, read aloud, present, talk, say, whisper, chant, announce, ask, answer, debate, translate, judge, prove. Reading: sort, read, find, look for, predict, confirm, infer, sequence, identity, match, unscramble, find information about, review, organize, conduct, imagine Writing: write, draw, copy, compare, contrast, draft, type, label, edit, sort, summarize, print, fill in, illustrate, color, record, collect, graph, diagram, create, make, log, blog, list, journal, rephrase, design, evaluate.
When writing Language Objectives ask yourself: what are my students doing today to develop their language skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and learning strategies?
Examples: The difference between “We” (Content) and “I” (Language) You must include an active verb that relates to a language domain Language Objectives don’t need to include accommodations, but they can. I will summarize the main idea of the chapter by drawing and retelling the story to a peer. I will discuss with a partner examples of symmetry in two-dimensional shapes from magazine pictures. I will describe my character’s emotions using precise adjectives orally and in writing. Students will be able to recognize similes in text while reading. Students will be able to write predictions about a chemical reaction lab. Give teachers time to develop their own language objectives.
Format for writing language objectives Who is doing what and how? Who is typically students, you, the learner Is doing what should clearly reflect a language skill (listening, speaking, reading, and/or writing) How is typically the name of a research-based strategy or activity and is written in your language objective after a word like by, through or using. (c) 2011 by Dr. Jennifer Holling. Exclusive permission granted to JaKS Academic Resources, LLC, for use.
Sentence starters: Students will describe characters in Lord of the Rings using the sentence frame: “____________ is ______________ because he/she________________.”
Student Behaviors Actively involved in hands-on activities Speaking often and interacting with peers (Think/Pair-Share, small groups) Cooperative Learning Graphic Organizers, interactive journals Variety of resources for collecting information (including media and technology) Showing understanding through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Able to use their native language for understanding. COGNATES! COGNATES! COGNATES!
Teacher Behaviors Go over the Content/Language Objective Using a variety of strategies and modalities to teach, focusing on the “big ideas” of the instruction. Assigning peers, mentors, and buddies to allow maximum student participation. Grouping and regrouping students across the day or class period. Using pictures, models, graphs, diagrams, charts, graphic organizers, etc. Speaking about what is in the walls of the classroom and showing them how to make use of the information. Eliciting background knowledge about topics. Extra time to work on aspects of academic language both orally and in writing. Place more emphasis on the big picture of the content instead on how they express that knowledge. VALUE THEIR LANGUAGE and the ability to be bilingual. Expect errors and consider them as indicators of progress. Respond to intend meanings students try to communicate. Wait for children to speak when they are ready (lower the affective filter).
Content Vs Language From Dr. Hollings training……. Content Objectives Language Objectives Content objectives are related to the key concept of the lesson Content objectives state what students will learn Language objectives connect clearly to the lesson topic Language objectives promote language development (not something students already do well or do routinely) Language objectives state how they will learn it and/or how they will demonstrate their learning to you
Physical Environment Content and Language Objectives are posted. Questions and statements are used to label the room & the work is displayed to invite interaction. Resources available: bilingual, picture and English dictionaries, thesaurus, BYOD. Visual images, gestures, and realia are visibly connected to the big picture in all content areas. Materials are available on every topic at a range of reading levels & complexity. Obvious connections between language objective domains.
Assessment Different assessments are used to measure language proficiency and academic knowledge. Rubrics are posted with examples of students’ work. Give rubrics to students before they are required to complete assignment.
Mind the gap Pace instruction according to your students. Ask yourself what makes sense for the lesson? What makes sense to you? Put yourself in the place of the language learner. Establish respect between all students!!! Culture awareness and sensitivity (includes language)
References Dr. Jennifer Hollings JaKS Academic Resources, LLC 888-395-0890 512-745-5274