Foundation English Program Level One : An Introduction by Mrs. Kira Litvin SS-3-11
Course Goals What is the main goal of the Foundation English course? This English course prepares students to deal with university education by bridging the gap between school and university and prepares students to meet the minimum requirements set by the university faculties. deal with = cope, handle, accept bridge the gap = connect, link SS-3-11
Is this a TOEFL preparation course? NO! BUT…The skills you learn and practice in this course are NECESSARY for you to pass the TOEFL test. SS-3-11
Skills What are the skills taught in Level One? Reading Writing Listening Speaking Grammar Multimedia component SS-3-11
Reading Skills Read for main ideas Scan for details Predict what you will read and what will happen Connect your personal experience to the text Compare and contrast information from two texts Summarize information in a text using a graphic organizer Learn new vocabulary words and use them in sentences Understand part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) to guess new vocabulary SS-3-11
Writing Skills Write and edit complete sentences Write a paragraph Edit your own writing for grammar, spelling and content Re-Write multiple drafts to show improvement Compare and contrast ideas with transition words Practice correct use of punctuation Use pre-writing strategies to organize your thoughts SS-3-11
Listening Skills Listen for main ideas and details Understand speaker's tone and attitude Connect listening to your personal experience Combine information from two listening texts Take notes on details using an outline or chart Listen and respond correctly in conversations SS-3-11
Speaking Skills Ask and answer questions on familiar topics Use spoken grammar correctly Practice conversation skills for different situations Prepare and deliver a short presentation Interview people on different topics SS-3-11
Grammar Skills Demonstrate understanding of adjectives, present and past tenses, gerunds and infinitives, adverbs, count and non-count nouns, modals (should, would, may, can), and future-tense forms Students should be able to identify correct grammar from multiple-choice questions SS-3-11
Course Grades How are the students graded? Reading project test Writing portfolio Speaking presentation Speaking Test Class work Participation Multimedia work Mid-term and final exams Exam Grades = 65% Course work, assignments, projects = 35% Minimum Grade to pass = 60% SS-3-11
Exams Exams test how well you can apply the skills and strategies you have practiced in your courses: Reading Comprehension Skills Vocabulary Strategy Skills Writing Skills Listening for detail and meaning WHY? These skills are essential for passing the TOEFL and for advanced academic skills in English SS-3-11
Writing Assignments & Portfolio What does ‘the writing portfolio’ mean? It is a collection of your writing assignments to show how you have improved your writing skills. How many assignments will be included in the porfolio? 4 writings will be marked. How many drafts do we write? Two drafts. A total of 10 marks (10%) for each assignment. There will be four draft-writing assignments. SS-3-11
Attendance Policy Attendance is very important for your learning and university education Missing more than 25% of course classes = F grade 25% = about 35 classes Absent 1 day = 2 absences Each day = 2 classes SS-3-11
Absences Absences are ABSENCES. Excuses do not change absences to presents If you are absent you might miss a test, quiz, lecture or important assignment It is YOUR JOB to speak to your teacher before class, after class, by email or in off-hours to find out what you missed. SS-3-11
Late policy Your teacher does not like when students are late DO NOT BE LATE! Late students disturb the class! If you are more than 20 minutes late you will be marked ABSENT! If you are late sign the LATE Sheet or you will be marked absent! Three Lates = 1 Absence SS-3-11
Cell Phone Policy Do NOT USE YOUR mobile inside the classroom. Turn your cell phone on silent. Place your mobile on Mrs. Litvin’s desk at the beginning of class. SS-3-11
Classroom Behavior Listen when you teacher is talking Listen when your classmate says an answer Raise your hand to speak Ask questions in English Control your mind—focus and think clearly Control your body—use the restroom before class and during breaks Chatting off-topic is not polite SS-3-11
Schedule for Mrs. Litvin’s Groups Monday Period 1/2 G1 Reading/Writing Al Bida 116 8:00 – 9:40 Period 2/3 G4 Listening/Speaking Al Bida 218 10:00 – 11:40 Tuesday Period 3/4 Wednesday Thursday SS-3-11
Let’s have a great semester! Welcome to Level One Let’s have a great semester! SS-3-11