Contents TII’s foundation Institutions that are cooperated with Institutions to which services are provided Services
FOUNDERS TII was founded by; The Association of the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey and The Milli Re in 1970.
TII presents services in international standards.
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION European Financial Certification Organization (eficert) Institute for Global Insurance Education (IGIE) Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers (F.A.I.R.) Chartered Insurance Institute Insurance Institutes across the world
We follow the training processes of the international institutions with a view of transferring the experiences of the developed countries to the Turkish insurance sector. We have accredited our “Basic Insurance Training Programme” with the CII (“Award for the Foundation Insurance Test”, “Certificate in Insurance”, “Diploma in Insurance”, “Advanced Diploma in Insurance”) and we have become CII’s Examination Center in Turkey. In order to share our experience with the insurance sectors of the developing countries, we build cooperation with the institutions in the Balkans, the Turkic Republics and the Middle East. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Experience in international standards!
NATIONAL COOPERATION COOPERATION WITH PUBLIC BODIES Undersecretariat of Treasury “General Directorate of Insurance” and “Insurance Supervisory Board” The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency Ministry of Labor, Vocational Standards State Planning Organization Ministry of Education Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool Universities
NATIONAL COOPERATION COOPERATION WITH PUBLIC BODIES TII holds meetings and builds cooperation with the public bodies in order to; define the topics of the new training programmes and prepare the relevant outlines, to get trainer support, to define vocational standards, to prepare vocational training programmes and EU projects.
NATIONAL COOPERATION COOPERATION WITH UNIVERSITIES TII acts as a bridge; in order to enable cooperation between the universities and the sector; to increase the academic level of the insurance education In many universities of Turkey, we have given: 23 Training Seminars 6 Seminars on Awareness in Insurance and participated to 8 Career Days
Insurance and Pension Companies, Insurance Agencies, Brokers and Loss Adjusters, Independent Audit Firms, Banks, Institutions of the Insurance Sector, The Association of the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey Insurance Information Center Agricultural Insurance Pool Turkish Motor Insurance Bureau Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool Chambers of Commerce WE PROVIDE SERVICES FOR:
Other; National Ministry of Defence (Defence Industry and Technology Training Center) General Directorate of Civil Aviation, Corporate Financial Consultancy Firms, Law Offices, Logistics Companies, Telecommunication Companies, Universities
OUR SERVICES 1.Training Programmes 2.Research & Publications/ Conferences 3.Corporate Advancement Exams 4.Consultancy Services 5.Library
1. TRAINING PROGRAMMES Satisfaction Guarantee at the Training Programmes
Types of Programmes A.Insurance Training Programmes Basic Insurance Training Programme Advanced Insurance Training Programme Ministry of Education Certified Beginners’ Level Insurance Training Programme Legislation Harmonization Training Programmes Short Term Training Programmes Specialized Training Programmes (Actuary, Agricultural Insurance, Sales) Tailor Made Training Programmes International Training Programmes
Types of Programmes B.Private Pension Training Programmes C.E-learning Programmes D.Soft – Skills Training Programmes in Cooperation with THYMOS E.Training Programmes for Other Sectors (Banking, Construction, Independent Audit Firms, etc.) F.English Programmes for Insurers
Number of People Trained Since 2007, around employees from insurance, broker and loss adjuster companies are trained every year through TII programmes. Since its foundation, TII has trained more than 30 % of the total employees in the Turkish insurance sector.
Number of People Trained Compulsory Trainings for the Technical Personnel of the Insurance Agencies: Led by the Undersecretariat of Treasury, under the organization of SEGEM (Insurance Training Center), in cooperation with TOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) Through the biggest face-to-face training project of Turkey, which started on Through the biggest face-to-face training project of Turkey, which started on 22nd of May; Held in 18 cities of Turkey Given nearly by 70 trainers The rate of satisfaction reached 90 % To people ( insurance agencies, bancinsurers) Almost all of the insurance agencies in Turkey were reached
2. RESEARCH & PUBLICATIONS Research and Studies on Insurance Series Journal of Insurance Studies Symposium/Conference - TII
3. CONSULTANCY SERVICES TII offers solutions specific to corporations with its team composed of professionals and academicians. TII gives consultancy services, To the R&D of the companies, On the determination of vocational standards for insurance, On the establishment of the infrastructure of the new institutions of developing countries, On the harmonization of the legislative and institutional framework of the insurance markets of developing countries with competitive insurance markets like the EU single insurance market, On the harmonization to the European Union of the institutions supervising and regulating the insurance sector in Turkey and abroad, On various studies such as customer surveys, employee surveys, product surveys directed to the market and public opinion.
4. CORPORATE ADVANCEMENT EXAMS TII helps you with your management process.
5. LIBRARY The center of information in insurance Most comprehensive and up-to-date library on insurance in Turkey. Open to everyone with over 4000 Turkish and foreign publications on insurance. Online access is provided –Turkish and foreign publications –Statistics –Activity reports –Professional periodicals –References