California Missions By Marilyn Kowsari October 12, 2007
What was a mission? A religious settlement
Location of the Missions
Founder of the Missions Father Serra Born in 1713 in Petra, Isla del Mellora Spain Founded 9 of the 21 missions Died in 1784 and buried at San Carlos Borromeo Mission
Purpose of the Bells Call people to meals Call people to work Call people to prayer Tell some important news
Characteristics of the missions Things in common –They all had bells –Cemeteries –Located near Indian villages
Mission Life Who lived at the mission? –Padres –Indians
Padres Jobs Conducted Sunday Services Managed mission Responsible for visitors
Indian Women’s Jobs Cooked Cleaned Tanned hides Gardened Made candles and soap
Indian Men’s Jobs Took care of the animals Blacksmith Made tools for use on the farm Made necessary buildings
Indian Children Jobs Watched and fed the livestock Helped plant the crops Kept animals out of the crops Helped clean mission grounds
Treatment of the Indians Had to give up their way of life Had to become Catholic Could not speak their language Were beaten if they tried to leave/escape
Closing of the Missions Mexico won war with Spain Did not like to be reminded of Spanish rule Wanted the Indians to become part of the Mexican society
Law of 1833 Divided Mission lands up over fifteen year period Mission became a pueblo Half of land was to be given to the Indians –tricked out of their land –many sold their land –many went to work for new land owners
Founded first by Fr. Lasuen Oct Founded second time by Fr. Serra 1776 Falling apart in 1866 Destroyed by an earthquake in Father O”Sullivan took it over Mission San Juan Capistrano
Swallows of San Juan Capistrano March 19th swallows return Huge crowds welcome their return Nests in old mission church Return to South America in October
Mission San Juan Today Small town named for the mission Curio Shops and restaurants Mission Grounds Still undergoing restoration 10 acres of outdoor museum
Comprehension Questions Why was Father Serra important? Who lived at the missions? How were the Native Americans who lived at the missions treated? Name one reason why the Mexican governement wanted to close the missions. What happened to the Native Americans after the missions closed? What were some of the jobs of the children at the mission? What was the first mission? Why did all the missions have bells?
FUN FACTS Father Serra’s finger is buried at the Santa Barbara Mission The ghosts of a caretaker and his family are said to haunt Mission San Miguel It took 54 years to build all of the missions The bells at San Juan Capistrano are said to have rung by themselves when a very devout Indian girl name Matilda died while putting flowers on the altar. Serra Chapel at Mission San Juan Capistrano is said to be the oldest building in California. San Antonio de Padua is located on a military base.