Peer support e-seminar E-seminar 26 th September 2012 Chair: Clare Beard Programme Lead, NHS Kidney Care
During the E-Seminar we will mute all delegate’s lines throughout the presentation. This is an interactive session, please add your comments, and thoughts into the chat box as we go through the presentation. If you would like to ask a question please use the raise hand button (this can be found on the right hand side of the screen below the list of participants). We will un-mute your telephone line if you wish to ask a question. Alternatively, during the discussion session type your question into the chat box on the bottom right of the screen If you are having any technical problems, send a message to the Host via the chat panel or call Asmaa Khalid at Tips for using WebEx
Update from North East September 2012 North East Renal Network
North East Renal Network Evaluation Strategy: Anticipated outcomes Peer Supporters Peer Supportees For families Staff Through: Verbal Feedback Questionnaires Patient focus groups Story telling One to one interviews
North East Renal Network Continuous Training Waiting list of patients to be trained Training to be held at unit level Training to commence Mid November 2012 using resources from Connect
North East Renal Network Next steps Continue to market the service continue to recruit to build capacity Share learning across other specialities Continue to attend and be part of the learning network
Peer Support Update Peer Support E-Seminar Wednesday 26 th September 2012 Carol Willis
Focus Launch of peer support programme Further peer support training sessions Matching first patients Hold learning event for phase 2 clinical champions Complete research project Finalise end of project report for NHS Kidney Care 1 st phase successfully delivered at HEFT
Launch Programme Series of launch events held across clinical areas at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) – Main unit – Satellite units – Clinics Marketing materials produced – Pop up poster – Pens, kidney squeezy balls – Business cards and information leaflets Royal Wolverhampton to schedule launch
Delivering Training Sessions A further 23 patients and carers have been trained (RWH and QEHB) Total number of trained peer supporters across the West Midlands is 75 – 16 at HEFT – 10 at Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals – 49 at QEHB Successfully trained 75 peer supporters
Matching Patients A total of 4 patients have now been matched since launching the programme at HEFT – Pre-dialysis patients – 2 face to face meetings – Feedback very positive Good progress made in matching patients
Learning Event Opportunity for clinical champions from phase one to share lessons learned with other areas – Informal event – Very positive experience and confirmed motivation for phase 2
Research Project Working with West Midlands Central Health Innovation & Education Cluster (HIEC) Identified area of focus – Purpose of study is to explore from a patient and carer perspective their needs, wants and expectations of peer support. It will explore how any barriers to take- up of peer support may be overcome and recommend service improvements where available. Six centres participated in the study Analysis is ongoing Study complete & dissemination event held
Emerging Themes In terms of barriers to peer support: – Term ‘peer support’ can be ambiguous – Emotional barriers Don’t want to be viewed as a ‘needy’ person Fear of negative professional judgement Low in confidence and do not want to appear stupid Want to avoid focus on problems Importance of choice and control in relation to own peer support – Practical barriers Constraints of illness Lack of awareness
Emerging Themes In terms of facilitating uptake of peer support: – Importance placed on giving something back and sharing experiences – Making peer support a normal activity Suitable for all Complementary to existing support Encouraged by clinicians – Need to build rapport and trust More face to face contact Study on track to publish findings in December
Next Steps Analyse the study findings and consider practical recommendations – How term ‘peer support’ used – Place greater emphasis on exchange and sharing – Create opportunity for initial rapport to be built Incorporate practical recommendations into the roll out Steering group meeting set for October Set up an event for trained peer supporters
King’s Renal Peer Support Update 27/9/12 Eleri Wood Senior Sister Low Clearance & Transplant Clinics
Two stage local service evaluation conducted: Stage One: Analysis of my existing data Straw poll of staff awareness Further details from 8-10 staff Stage Two: Present findings and recommendations to the supporters and staff and agree action plan. Implement plan Disseminate evaluation findings through publications and presentations.
Two minute summary of findings: 1.5% of patients have received peer support, recipients more likely to be black and young, and demand has halved since % of recipients sought predominantly informational support, the majority of these to facilitate an RRT modality decision. Clinicians were generally aware and positive but forgetful and misinformed, very few actually referred.
Peer Support: national survey of peer support programmes Peer Support e-Seminar 26 th September 2012 Eleri Wood and Clare Beard
Results: A total of 53 responses were received from 37 units; a unit response rate of 71.2%.
How will, or do patients access the service? (% response, 21 unit respondents with established or planned formal or informal service)
Barriers to setting up formal peer support services. (% response, 37 unit responses)
Support wanted
Other Written information about volunteer training Financial support for champion Information on any criteria or guidelines on how to choose peer supporters, what makes a 'good' or effective peer supporter Information providing evidence of benefit before committing time and resource
Peer Support: Final report Peer Support e-Seminar 26 th September 2012 Clare Beard Programme Lead, NHS Kidney Care
Forum: kidney-care-peer-support-project-leads- forum/network_profile_view Website: proving_choice_for_kidney_patients/peer_support/ proving_choice_for_kidney_patients/peer_support/tools_t o_help_you/ Future meetings