Green City Bonds Coalition Building a global bond market that will finance development of low carbon and climate resilient cities Join us
$88 tn assets under management $30 tn Insurance $27 tn Pension funds – 19 out of 20 are public sector $6 tn Sovereign wealth $25 tn Fund managers, mutuals, foundations (SRI = $13tn global) 50-60% bonds Green/brown Context: $45 trillion of “interest” US$22.5 trillion US$8 trillion
Join us 90% investment grade Refinance as well as projects USD $1.2bn $11bn $3.1bn $36.6 bn 2015: $70 expected Target $100bn Fast growth It’s about Use of Proceeds Transparency, independent review Vanilla + comparable pricing
Join us Issuer types 2014 Any issuers can go green Benefits Investor diversification Stickiness Longer tenors Multi-asset for scale
Join us Opportunities = scale / liquidity Expert groups = science-based definitions Renewable energy Energy storage Geothermal Green buildings Green infra Industrial efficiency RE supply chain Rail, BRTs Low emission vehicles, Electric Vehicles Clean water Storm adaptation Waste management Methane reduction Agriculture Sustainable forestry Food supply chain Reference: % 15.5% 0% 7% 8% 13% % = share of assets for bonds issued this year
Bonds are about re-financing Asset-backed Re-financing by utilities Bank securitization Corporate Asset-backed Re-financing by utilities Bank securitization Corporate Mature asset Low risk, long-term holdings for long-term investors, years Public sector Development High risk Project finance First 2-5 years Equity Bank loans Project Public sector
Join us Types of issuers Gothenburg: $77m Sept 2013, $273m May Proceeds: electric vehicle system, water purification, district heating. Green credentials: 2 nd opinion provided by CICERO Ile de France: $829 3x April 2014, $466 5x March Proceeds: green social housing, energy efficiency in schools, green SME loans. Green credentials: 2 nd opinion provided by CICERO Stockholm: $167mn May Proceeds: Green buildings (hospital) and light rail. Green credentials: 2nd opinion provided by CICERO Johannesburg: $136m, 10yr, 1.5x, June Proceeds: energy efficiency, transport, Renewable Energy: solar-panel power generation, water heaters Waste-water plants modified to generate electricity, landfill methane gas capture and energy generation Transport: 152 hybrid-fuel buses City or other sub- national Governments No issuance yet Governments or development banks earmark funds for a City DC Water: $350mn July Proceeds to construct tunnel to transport stormwater and sewage to watewater treatment plant. Green credentials: 2 nd opinion provided by Vigeo City entities, e.g. infra, water or transport bodies No issuance seen here yet Corporations authorised by a City
Join us ZAR 1.46bn/ $136m BBB South Africa June 1.5x oversubscribed 10 year Proceeds to be used for: Renewable Energy: solar-panel power generation, water heaters Other energy: Waste-water plants modified to generate electricity, Landfill methane gas capture and energy generation Transport: 152 hybrid-fuel buses City of Johannesburg
Join us Majority of green bonds had 2 nd opinion in 2014
Join us Standard definitions & certification Science Committees Green Property, Transport, Agriculture, Water, organizations + academics Industry Advisory Committees Investors, investment banks, verifiers $34tn Standards Board Climate Science framework Potsdam Institute Climate Science + IIASA, PBL, FEEM Independent verifiers Oekem, Bureau Veritas, TruCost EY, KPMG, Sustainalytics, DNV-GL
How to Issue
Join us 1.Coalition Would be issuers Investors Development & investment banks 2.Support program How-to; workshop + seminars Peer support matching Creditworthiness support from green and development banks Aggregation of infrequent issuers 3. Demonstration issuances US cities / China: Beijing / EU: Stockholm, Paris, Gothenburg 4.Investor roundtables 5.Report to UN Secretary-General at Paris COP Dec 2015 The Plan