M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE The Managers’ role in the resilience of their teams Professor Derek Mowbray BA., MSc., MSc(Econ)., PhD., DipPsych., CPsychol., CSci., FIHM., FISMA.. I NTRODUCTION
M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Session 1 – Introduction Definition of resilience Resilience in the context of wellbeing and performance The manager’s interest in resilience The manager’s role in the resilience of their teams What do managers need to do? A framework for managers I NTRODUCTION
M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE ‘the capacity to mobilise personal features that enable individuals, groups and communities (including controlled communities such as a workforce) to have an attitude to tolerate, overcome and be strengthened by adverse events and experiences’. (Derek Mowbray 2010 ) What is resilience? ©Derek Mowbray 2010 I NTRODUCTION
M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Resilience It’s about personal attitude towards oneself, events and other people. It’s about being in control of oneself. It’s about being able to choose what action to take against risks and threats. It’s about preventing risks and threats from causing stress and under performance. I NTRODUCTION
M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Why should managers be interested in making their teams more resilient, flexible and healthy? They will perform better! You will have engaged, active, loyal staff who want to ‘go the extra mile’ for you. I NTRODUCTION
M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE What might be preventing them from not performing at their best? I NTRODUCTION
M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Here’s the psychology: Resilience is about attitude towards people and events A positive attitude is needed to overcome challenges You can make a big difference to the attitude of your team If your team has a positive attitude towards you they will (more easily) overcome challenges and perform at their best I NTRODUCTION
M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE Build trust and commitment between you and your team Develop and maintain a positive relationship with your team What do I need to do???? Learn the art of persuasion I NTRODUCTION
M ANAGERS R OLE IN T EAM R ESILIENCE The Resilient Manager Expectations self Relationship self Interactive self Values self Leadership self ©Derek Mowbray 2011 The Resilient Manager Framework I NTRODUCTION