Learning targets Learning Goals, Learning Targets, Success Criteria, and Teaching Points (P3 , P4 and P5)
Learning goals and learning targets A measurable achievement aim, which is tied to standard(s) and based upon an analysis of formative assessment data, that individual students develop and work towards over time. A learning target is based on standards/objectives. It is what the teacher wants students to know and be able to do as a result of that day’s lesson. It is measurable and in support of unit goals and standards.
Distinguished performance level P4 – Teacher communicates the learning target(s) through verbal and visual strategies, checks for student understanding of what the target(s) are and references the target throughout instruction.
The expectation with regard to learning goals and learning targets Teachers have the learning goal(s) or learning target(s) posted for each course or subject. The learning goal(s) or learning target(s) are in student friendly language. The learning goal(s) or learning target(s) are statements of what students will know or be able to do not agenda items or activities. Teachers have students process the learning goal(s) or learning target(s) at the beginning of the lesson. Teachers refer to the learning goal(s) or learning target(s) during the lesson. Teachers check for student understanding of or have students reflect on the learning goal(s) or learning target(s) at the close of a lesson.
The benefits of posting and processing learning goals and learning targets Allows students to answer “What did you learn in school today?”. Gives students accountability and ownership of their learning. Encourages students to make intra- and interdisciplinary connections. Provides opportunities for metacognition. Demonstrates intentionality of curriculum. Provides a student achievement gain of 20%.
How to have students process learning goals When presenting the learning goal at the beginning of a lesson, a teacher could… ask students to silently read the goal and determine what achieving the goal looks like. have students repeat the goal as a choral response. have students talk to one another about how the goal links to their personal goals and life. have students talk to one another about why the goal represents something that is important to learn. have students talk to one another about how the current goal relates to what they have learned previously. have students talk to one another about how achieving this goal might help them in another class. have students talk to one another and compare todays lesson goal to yesterdays lesson goal. How are they the same or different? How do they relate to one another? NOTE: When having students talk to one another, having 2 – 4 students report out should be sufficient.
Ways to check for students understanding of or have students reflect on the learning goals When checking for understanding or asking students to reflect on learning goals at the end of a lesson, a teacher could… ask many of the same questions from the previous slide. ask students to write a journal entry about the learning goal. have students summarize the learning goal as a ticket out the door. ask students to show on a “fist of five” how they feel about their understanding of the learning goal. have students describe in their own words what mastering the learning goal looks like.
Success Criteria and Teaching POints Success criteria is what it will look like and sound like if the student hits the lesson’s learning target. Teaching points are what need to be in the lesson to meet the learning target and the success criteria. They are concepts or skills that individuals or groups of students need in order to achieve the learning target. Identifying these concepts and skills allows the teacher to make decisions about how a task will be structured for individuals and groups of students.
Distinguished performance level P3 – Teacher bases the teaching point(s) on the learning needs – academic background, life experiences, culture and language – for groups of students and individual students. P5 – The success criteria for the learning target(s) are clear to students. The performance tasks align to the success criteria. Students refer to success criteria and use them for improvement.
The expectation with regard to Success criteria and teaching points Teaching points are determined by the teacher when planning their lesson. They should be identifiable in the teachers delivery of the lesson. Success criteria can include things like criteria for credit, rubrics, exemplars, and/or support stations.