Well-To-Wheels Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Amgad Elgowainy, Andy Burnham, Michael Wang, John Molburg, and Aymeric Rousseau Center for Transportation Research Argonne National Laboratory Presentation at MIT/Ford/Shell Research Workshop June 8, 2009
2 Scope of Argonne’s PHEV WTW Analysis 2 To examine relative energy and emission merits of PHEVs; the vehicle types addressed were: Conventional international combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) Regular hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) ICE plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) Fuel cell (FC) PHEVs Fuel options: Petroleum Gasoline Diesel E85 with ethanol from Corn Switchgrass Hydrogen with several production pathways Electricity with different generation mixes
3 Argonne’s PHEV WTW Analysis Addresses The Following Key Issues PHEV performance evaluation with Argonne’s PSAT model Explored PHEV operating strategies Processed fuel economy results for various PHEV configurations Examined effects of all electric ranges (AER) of PHEVs Electricity generation mixes to charge PHEVs Reviewed studies completed in this area Generated five sets of generation mixes for PHEV recharge PHEV mileage shares by power source Relied on national average distribution of daily vehicle miles traveled (VMT) Determined VMT shares by charge depleting (CD) and charge sustaining (CS) operations GREET WTW simulations of PHEVs Expanded and configured GREET for PHEVs Conducted GREET PHEV WTW simulations 3
4 Five Sets of Generation Mixes for PHEV Recharge Were Used in This Study (%) 4 US Average: the default GREET average mix for 2020 IL, NY, and CA Marginal: from the 2020 mix with 2kW charging capacity starting at 10 PM from a study by Hadley et al. Renewable: a scenario reflecting upper limit on benefits of PHEVs
5 A Set of Vehicle/Fuel Systems Was Included in This Analysis Vehicle types included: ICEV: Gasoline SI, E85 SI, Diesel CI HEV: Gasoline SI, E85 SI, Diesel CI; Hydrogen FC PHEV: Gasoline SI, E85 SI, Diesel CI; Hydrogen FC Model year 2015 midsize car Fuel economy results were adjusted using EPA 2007-adopted formula for on-road performance 5
6 Fuel Consumption Calculated from PSAT Fuel Economy Values (Btu/mi) 6 Fuel consumption for each operation is the following: CD electric: electricity consumption in CD operation CD Engine: fuel consumption by ICE/FC in CD (blended mode) operation CS operation: fuel consumption in CS operation
7 PHEVs with 20-Mile AER Can Potentially Drive 40% of Daily VMT, PHEVs with 40-Mile AER More than 60% 7 NHTS
8 WTW Total Energy Use for CD Mode (Electricity and Fuel) vs. CS mode (Fuel) – 20 AER; US Mix
9 WTW GHG Emissions for CD Mode (Electricity and Fuel) vs. CS Mode (Fuel) – 20 AER; US Mix
10 WTW GHG Emissions for CD Mode (Electricity and Fuel) vs. CS Mode (Fuel) – 20 AER; CA Mix
11 WTW GHG Emissions for CD Mode (Electricity and Fuel) vs. CS Mode (Fuel) – 20 AER; IL Mix
12 WTW GHG Emissions – US Mix: Comparison of Technology and All Electric Range Regular Hybrid
13 Summary of Petroleum Energy and GHG Effects of All Evaluated Options
14 Thank you! GREET web site: REET/index.html PHEV WTW Analysis Report: REET/index.html 14
15 PSAT Fuel Economy Results (Miles Per Gasoline Equivalent Gallon, Wh/Mile for CD Electric Operation) 15 CD Electric = charge depleting operation with grid electricity CD Engine = charging depleting operation with on-board power systems (ICE or Fuel Cell) CS = charge sustaining operation with on-board power systems AER 0 = zero-mile AER (i.e., regular HEV) AER 10 = 10-mile AER; AER 20 = 20-mile AER; AER 30 = 30-mile AER; AER 40 = 40-mile AER UDDS = Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule; HWFET = Highway Fuel Economy Test CD electric operation and CD on-board operation complement each other for the same CD miles (i.e., blended mode operation)
16 Processing of PSAT MPG Results for GREET Fuel Consumption Inputs PSAT fuel economy results were first converted into fuel consumption The city (UDDS) and highway (HWFET) results of PSAT were combined with 55% UDDS and 45% HWFET The PSAT results for CD electric operation did not include charging losses; we assumed a 85% efficient charger PSAT fuel consumption for CD and CS operations were combined using the “Utility Factor” (FC CD Grid + FC CD ICE )* UF + FC CS * (1-UF) 16
17 Concluding Remarks PSAT simulations of the blended mode operation of PHEVs show that grid electricity accounts for a small share of total vehicle energy use in combined CD and CS operations (~6% for PHEV10 and ~24% for PHEV40) The effect of electric generation mix becomes smaller with the blended mode operation; However, electric generation mix is still shown to have a significant effects on WTW results, especially for GHG emissions Petroleum use declines when electricity is generated from non-petroleum sources GHGs are highest with large coal shares, but decreased with NG, and decreased even further with renewables HEV vs. PHEV Petroleum use decreases as AER increases (except for generation mixes with high share of oil) GHGs in general decrease as AER increases (except for carbon intensive generation mixes and biomass-to-E85 and H2) Gasoline ICE PHEV vs. FC PHEV FC PHEVs have much lower petroleum energy use FC PHEVs using SMR-H2 slightly reduce GHGs; Biomass-to-H2 FC PHEVs significantly reduce GHGs Outstanding issues Electric generation mix for recharging PHEVs is affected by many factors: total electricity demand by PHEVs, location of PHEVs, time of day for recharging, PHEV buffer ability for the utility system Utility dispatch modeling may be necessary for further analysis 17