Promoting Clean Vehicles in a Sustainable South Bay Local Use Vehicles and other Electric Vehicles June 2011
Criteria Pollutants Rising oil prices Climate Action Planning & green house gas emission reductions Existing SB 375 strategies do not suit South Bay conditions because it is mature, dense & transit poor Lacking consumer awareness of Clean Vehicle options Why This is Important
Testing electric Local Use Vehicles (LUVs) Seeking opportunities to test the new longer range EVs and fuel cell vehicles coming to market Assisting cities to convert their fleets to EVs if possible Researching market acceptance and technologies to assist in siting electric charging stations Developing guidelines for cities to consider in designing Complete Streets SBCCOG Activities
The LUV Demonstration Program is testing electric Local Use Vehicles (LUVs) 7 small, short range & low speed cars for taking ‘local’ trips Driven by local residents for 3-6 months at a time Demonstrating use on local streets Previously only in closed campuses Designed to: Help overcome consumer resistance to unfamiliar technologies Inform public policy makers about the practical barriers to wide spread adoption of Local Use Vehicles LUV Pilot
Vantage CrewCab
GEM e4
Wheego Whip
Matching Vehicle Types to Trip Types
Enthusiastic participants Their original gas guzzlers sit unused Sometimes so long they have to get a jump start when they try to use their old cars Several of our drivers are interested in purchasing a LUV to replace one of their vehicles Travel time is not an issue for local trips Consumer Acceptance
Benefits: Emission Reduction Household Vehicle Emissions Reductions for Households With One LUV Car Emissions TypeAverage TOG 33% CO 30% NOX 29% PM10 28% SOX 26% CO2 23% Gasoline consumption gal 27%
Demonstrates potential emissions reductions from LUVs Such as replacing 60% of the 243,800 second and third vehicles per household in the South Bay with LUVs The equivalent CO2 reductions as planting over 600,000 trees per year Reduce gas consumption by over 17 million gallons each year Benefits: Future Emission Reductions
Low Speed Vehicles are a valuable and cost effective approach to GHG reduction Robust Complete Streets planning can encourage Walking, Biking, and Low Speed EV use Class II lanes on select arterials should be built wide enough to accommodate bikes and NEVs Complete Streets
Promoting conversion to clean vehicles in the South Bay Full Speed EV Demonstration Program Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Demonstration Program Clean Vehicle Outreach EV Charging Station Planning Virtual EV Mall (pending funding) Bringing EVs to the South Bay
Battery Electric & Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles 14 All Electric Range: 60 to 200 Miles, depending on battery size Level II Charging –240 v (40 amp) –4 to 6 hours charge Target markets: –Urban Commuters –Second Car in Every Home Unlimited range 10 to 40 mile all electric Level I and Level II Charging –120 v – 240 v –6 to 8 hours Level 1 –3 to 4 hours Level 2 Target Market: all automotive applications BEVPHEV
15 The New Wave of Plug-in Electric Vehicles Over next three years 15 – 22 models will be introduced South Bay is an early target market Cumulative Plug-in Vehicles in SCE Service Area (in thousands)
Plug-in Electric Vehicle Benefits 16 Low cost of fuel Electricity is 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost of gasoline, on a per mile basis Reduced green-house gas emissions: Low maintenance Federal and state financial incentives 16
NEV pickups are excellent for city fleets Customizable for specific uses Cost effective GHG reductions from city fleets NEVs for City Fleets Current Miles EV Sale 30+ mile range Priced at $12,900 – $14,900 depending on volume
EV Charging - EVSE Most charging will occur at home Installing chargers in multifamily buildings is challenging Additional public and workplace chargers will be needed
SBCCOG/SBESC is clearinghouse – Contact us if you have any questions about EVs or Charging Infrastructure Questions/Suggestions? David Magarian (310) Thank You