5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 5
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 5 (continued) Users can navigate through the ASRP website either by using the menu on the left of the screen or clicking “Next Topic” at the bottom of the screen.
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 6
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 7
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 8
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 9 Put data into the fields of the “Match an ASRP Profile” menu to create a reading profile for an adult learner. When you are ready, click “Perform Analysis.”
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 9 (continued)
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 10
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 11
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 12
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles– Step 12 (continued) Clicking the name of a test causes a pop-up window to appear with the following information.
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 12 (continued)
5.3.b. Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles – Step 13
5.4. Evidence-Based Professional Development Several online and face-to-face trainings are available for adult education instructors who wish to develop effective strategies in reading instruction for struggling adult readers. Three resources are discussed on the following slides: STudent Achievement in Reading (STAR) Learning to Achieve (L2A) Teaching Adults to Read
5.4.a. Student Achievement in Reading (STAR) The STAR Tool Kit is a web-based resource that includes research articles, resources, and tools; audio and video examples of students and teachers; teaching strategies and techniques; interviews with students and teachers; and follow-up activities.STAR Tool Kit
5.4.b. Learning to Achieve (L2A) Learning to Achieve is a professional development resource to improve instruction for adults with learning disabilities. Learning to Achieve
5.4.c. Teaching Adults to Read (Web-based) In the LINCS Resource Collection, there is a free series of five online, self-paced courses for adult educators who want to learn more about teaching the components of reading. free series Teaching Adults to Read: Alphabetics Teaching Adults to Read: Fluency Teaching Adults to Read: Vocabulary Teaching Adults to Read: Comprehension Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles
SESSION 6: Resources for Writing Instruction