Statistical Hydrology By Prof. Dr. Eng. Amro Elfeki Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture (Room 207)
Course Objectives Course Objectives Introduction to Statistical Hydrology Application of Statistics in the Hydrological Science Presentation of data Analysis of data Statistical Models Prediction
While in lecture, please DO NOT: Forget to turn off cell phones Read newspapers Talk and have conversations Break Islamic and KAAU rules/laws (e.g., cheating) GROUND RULES Instructions for Students
While in the lecture, please DO : Ask questions when anything is not clear Engage in the discussions Fully participate in in-class exercises GROUND RULES Instructions for Students
Reading the notes Attend lectures Come on time. Homework assignments hard work Independence desire to improve their mind desire to acquire new skills want to understand their world be willing to work collaboratively GROUND RULES Instructions for Students
-You absolutely LOVE science -You need credits to graduate -Just curious, it seemed like it might be easy -You have absolutely no idea WHY WE’RE HERE -You-
-I’m an Associate professor in the Dept of Water Management and teach 4 classes/year, -I teach statistical hydrology, watershed hydrology, Introduction of water science and advanced surface water hydrology for MSc. students. WHY WE’RE HERE -Me-
Present lecture material in power point presentation to honor fact that different people learn differently: - Seeing/Visual - Reading - Hearing - Personal discovery - etc Presenting the Course
-Get experience in a new science. -Broaden your Knowledge. -Be able to develop and solve various types of problems related to statistical hydrology. -Understand the advantages and limitations of methods and algorithms used in statistical hydrology. Apply our knowledge GOALS of the Course Course Goals
Comfort with new language -Understand and appreciate how models can be used in statistical hydrology -More responsible citizen. -Lots of terminology throughout this course. - Statistical hydrology requires knowledge of various sciences like hydrology, mathematics and statistics. GOALS of the Course Course Goals
- Critical thinking & scientific method. - Improve ability to communicate - Acquire new skills in the use of technology But also, we have these goals: GOALS of the Course Course Goals
Statistical hydrology Our Chapters -Examples of Data Records in Hydrology. -How to Present Statistical Data? - Estimation of Statistical Measures. - Probability Theory and Applications. -Random Variables and Distribution Functions. - Mathematical Expectation. - Flood Frequency Analysis and Plotting Position. -Testing Hypothesis and Goodness of Fit Test. - Statistics of More than one Variable and Regression Analysis. - Introduction to Stochastic Hydrology.
1.Notes. 2.Websites. 3. Library. Your Tool
EXAMS & GRADING Grades Home Work 20 points Mid term Exam 40 points Final term Exam 40 points Total 100 points